I have to get rid of this lousy feeling... nothing ever goes my way and this once would have been life chancing and something so special for me. I can't let go of all of this. Nowadays nothing goes right, just falling down from a utopia create by me. And falling down hurts.. it hurts real bad.. :/ i miss you, come back.. please?
Sick of trying, when nothing happens. You put yourself in the game, 100% and what do you get back? NOTHING. The ugly truth.
I've never felt or done ANYTHING like this before. You DON'T have the right to treat me like THIS. I never did anything like this to YOU.
Never. I'm SORRY for annoying you. It's OVER.
"That akward moment
when nothing is really akward
and you're the only one
who thinks it's akward
because you're socially akward
and paranoid
that everyone else
thinks it's akward
You're not alone, together we stand,
I'll be by your side you know
I'll take your hand.
When it gets cold and it feels like the end,
with you by my side I will fight and defend. <3