


I don't need to be touched by you

I never meant to let it get so personal.Maanantai 14.07.2008 04:51

Once again I woke up in the middle of the night.
It wasn't a nightmare, just a bad feeling.
Somethings creeping.

I spend some time with myself and I.
I noticed some weird things.
It seems like I'm building a shield.
Don't know why, but it makes me feel safer,
when I know, I'm behind my own walls.

I'm just trying to figure,
what am I so scared?
What is it, that makes me feel so fragile?
I know lot of things that freaks me out,
makes me wanna scream from fear.
But this is new, 'cause I don't quite know,
what it is, that I'm so scared.

I gotta admit,
I made some changes to my life.
And so far, I liked them.
But it's new, it could be the thing,
but I doubt that.

But the walls are closing,
I'm building a shield again.
Don't know why I'm trying to make it harder than stone,
when I should know, I don't need to do that.
I should know that I can trust.
I shouldn't be so scared of needing someone.

And once again, I won't let it show.
I use to say, I never leave my heart open.
I think I did that, long ago,
and now I'm building a wall to protect it.
Even when I know, it won't make it any easier.

(c) Pejkkis

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