



flimsy, aye ?Tiistai 21.12.2010 06:44

i find myself in a time of such despair that i have
the most powerful urge to grab on to the smallest
of all possible straws. well, there aren't really that
many straws and yet i feel like i have already
missed my opportunity with the last one of those
really, REALLY flimsy straws.

and although all of this is pointless and lacking with
somekind of meaning, i still have to share this with
someone. or, everyone who happens to read this.
no-one will understand a word of this aimless mumble
of mine but i don't care. atleast someone out there
heard, or actually read, what i had to say.

in a way, someone perhaps even understood.
and some day, i wish to find that person who understands
my despair of some sort. if there is a stranger out there
who didn't think of this only as really pathetic. or understood.
and again i find myself losing the point of all this (yes, i really
had one). anyway, for you, you stranger i have yet to meet but
hope that some day i will, don't be a stranger.

and may i add, what the fuck ?
okay, i'm just going to blame it on the late (or early) hour.
and that i'm really tired. sooo, off to bed i am ! right now. yeah.

bizarre. one should really not stay up this late.

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