

Käyntejä: 4592 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
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Jäsenet (16)

Originaali kaikkine kuvineen:


``Dichotomy of Light and Darkness´´

Winter solstice, past by a mere moment now, marks the transition from darkness to light, from death to new life. Yet one more cycle in the grand order of nature has rolled its course and revolves anew, the time of renewal is at hand. While the Indians were also very aware of the peaks and transitions in the universal cycles, especially so in the ancient Vedic times, it was in the North where the extremes stated their presence.

Many of you may have been following Uma's series on the old pagan celebration of Yule, the rebirth of Mother Nature, later remodeled into a grand Christian celebration with an eerie abundance of pagan symbols and practices. While the celebration of these transitions of universal reach indeed has its place in the mesocosmic sphere, a natural turn in the human fabric of old, it is not those I write of today. I'm about to dig deeper into the superficiality of the good-evil duality often imposed on worlds of light and darkness.

``The Ancient Aryan Divide´´

The division into good and evil is regrettably not as clear-cut as God versus Lucifer or Christ versus Antichrist, a lesson well learned from the ancient Indian evolution of religion. Vasistha was among the leading Vedic seers, while for the Zoroastrians he was among the villains. While asuras were the bad guys for the Vedic seers, Ahura-Mazda (or Asura-Maya in Sanskrit, a close relative of the Avestan language of the Parsis) was the lead monotheistic deity of the Zend-Avesta scripture.

These two polar religions came to plant the seeds of two very different religious traditions. Zoroaster was a grand-ancestor for the doctrines of a dual god and anti-god, the expectance of a messiah and a linear approach to the cosmic order. The Abrahamic tradition, or Judaism, Christianity and Islam, evolved in a mixture of Zoroastrian ideals and the ongoing evolutions in Egyptian and Middle-Eastern native polytheistic systems.

A whole different branch and orientation of religion, the greater part of which goes under the loose label of Hinduism in the contemporary world, evolved from the root of the ancestry of Vedic seers. Hinduism as we know it is a loose amalgamation of distinct traditions that evolved under shared cultural premises, a most heterogeneous compilation held together with unitarian texts such as the Bhagavad-gita.

The fact that the two religious divides forming the vast majority of the Earth's population is on a deep level divided almost as deep and fundamentally as the grand cosmic order of the ancient cultures is every bit as exciting as it is scaring. It is then little wonder that the Abrahamic dualist heritage has always sought to reform all known cultures and peoples into the faith of the one true savior, one supreme deity and one word of god, or a succession of subsequent revelations in the case of later traditions.

The Indic tradition, on the other hand, unsubscribed from an ontology that assigned them among the evil, in both its root movements. While the direct descendant of the brahmana-tradition, the heritage of the Vedic seers, maintained a sense of duality evident in the legends of the Puranas, it was against a canvas of higher, nondual ideas evolving from the old Upanishads, tense and often asystematic philosophical discourses that sought the deepest essence of the Vedic sacrifical religion. The Sramana tradition, to which the Buddhists and the Jains are the only surviving heirs, sought to eliminate the realm of duality altogether, and in doing that went so far as to do away with the supreme deity himself.

The roots of the ancient good-evil divide appear to lie in an ancient conflict tearing apart a single cultural heritage, a world where the devas and the asuras dwelled together. Mitra and Varuna, a dual deity of whom the latter is well known as an oceanic deity in the Puranic lore, are in fact among the asuras of the Rig-vedic tradition — asuras receiving oblations just as the devas did. The details of the evolution effectively reduce the concept of an absolute, primordial divide into a partition much more complicated and human, into the internal disagreements of an ancient sacrificial, fire-worshiping culture.

``Powers of Light and Darkness´´

Neither light nor darkness possess inherent ethical value; they are neutral potentials reposed in their own nature. As darkness clouds, creates mystery and brings towards unity, light unveils, explains and exposes a vast arena of plurality prior to growing so bright as to grow all-engulfing, thereby becoming essentially one with darkness again, a field of a single, undivided nature containing all of reality in its ever-vibrant lap. (Udesidning: An ancient Nordic way of integration in darkness.)

Nothing is good or evil of its own nature; all depends on the application, and moreover the applier. Magic is neither good nor evil owing to its technical procedure of conjuration, whether born of light or darkness, white or black. The divider of good and evil is in the human choice between benevolence and malevolence, between sacrificing and feeding the egotic drive consuming its objects to grow stronger.

A transcender of duality wields light and darkness with equal might, regardless of his preference, a preference that in its fundamental essence is only a latent sensation of the past, a game or an amusement of sorts, unbinding to the player who has ascended from a participancy to entertained spectatorship. Having seen the pinnacles of light and darkness under the ancient egotic drive, one evolves into a seer of non-duality, experiencing the inherent voidness of reality as we know it.

With the diffusion of apparent essence and substance into ethereal streams, one transcends stereotypic moral assessments and dwells in a lasting perception of inherent and foundational unity, even while an adept conventinalist as needed in the common world. The art of life has now been mastered.

``The Old Pagan Approach´´

While the philosophical sophistication of Indic traditions is often lacking in ancient native religions, they do an amicable job in the practical transcendence of duality in living in a seamless harmony with nature and gods in their own world of mythos. In fact, many ancient native traditions supercede the seclusion-seeking Indic mystics in their ability to interact with plurality in a state of active integration, perhaps with a flavor of the smooth and flowing natural Tao of the Chinese — a quality I've always been in tremendous awe of!

The action-in-knowledge tradition also found its exponents among the Buddhists with the gradual evolution of Buddhism first into Mahayana, and onwards into an admixture with the tantric tradition especially prominent in Tibet. In the Tibetan model, Hinayana and Mahayana, or the lesser and the greater vehicles, are stepping stones into the highest dimension of vajra-sattva, the lightning-strata, where one becomes a wielder of cosmic powers, conquering and subjugating the energetic release produced in the meeting of the fundamental dualities of nature, the energetic bases of archetypal male and female energy, personified as the man and the woman of the human world.

Transcending and mastering the fundamental fabric of existence, the conscious being evolves into a god-like state of integration with the flow of the cosmos, unveiling the infinite peace and inner ecstasy ever-present in the ultimate non-dual god-experience. Consciousness employes a third strata beyond light and darkness, the infinite halls of existence itself. Night turns into a day and day yet again into a night. Winter falls over the fertile summer fields, spring awakens Mother Nature to life anew. Light and darkness rise and fall time and again of their own accord; the wheel of existence revolves forevermore.

BabaBomNorth of the Moon - Old YuleLuonut: BabaBomLauantai 20.12.2008 02:56

With the holidays approaching, a double announcement is in place. First of all, Uma's new blog: North of the Moon (, exploring spirituality, old Nordic and European pagan traditions, the ancient Scandinavian-Aryan connection, and the general mysteries of life.

Second, a series of articles on the Old Yule, the pagan and Aryan predecessor to Christmas, glossing the age-old midwinter festival of fertility and new birth, the Yule observances, the Tree of World, the original Father Yule and a host of angels, goblins and others of old yet remembered. First in the series:

• Old Yule 1: The Mother and the Deadly Midwinter:

And good Yule and a happy new year to all!


oksasen ämpee kirjotti juur vuokrasopimuksen. Se muuttaa mun naapuriin :):)

mäkin voin hyvillä mielin pitää tän asunnon, eikä oo enää tarvetta muuttaa mihinkää!!! xD nyt varsinkaa ku kauppakärryn ja ämpeen kans laitettii jouluvalot ja mun koti loistaa ku punasten lyhtyjen kuja kadulle, kyllä meinaan erottuu,voin kertoo.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Illanhämy mietti hetken —
"Surullinen menninkäinen,
kuinka tuota lohduttaa?"
Kutsui luokseen aurinkoisen
loitsi vaikuttajan toisen
päivän sekä öisen pimeyden.

Sanoi heille: "Julmat ovat tienne teidän vaikeroivat —
rikkoisitte rakkauden."
Hämyn henki myötätunnon antoi heille suloisen
maan iänaikain hämärän.

Ihailivat toisiansa
menninkäinen, kultasiipi
täynnä kuumaa leiskuntaa...
Syleilivät, suutelivat
vuoteellansa iltahämyn
maistelivat iltaa ihanaa!

"En piittaa vaikka valon jätin, päivän kirkkauden
on hämärassä kaunis vaeltaa.
"Käy kanssani, mun menninkäinen, näytän sulle tien
vien maahan suuren rakkauden"

Sanoi siihen menninkäinen:
"Päivänsäde, rakkauteni,
sydämein on täynnä elämää!
Yhdessä nyt vaellamme,
hämyn verhoon sukellamme,
vailla huolta päivän huomisen..."

Ja niin kulki päivänsäde,
rinnallansa menninkäinen
alla taivaankannen hämäran.
Hyväilivät toisiansa
taivaan aurinko ja tähdet
maassa suuren rakkauden.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

BabaBomPlurauksia taidepajaltaLuonut: BabaBomPerjantai 25.07.2008 03:55

Pieni albumillinen piirroksia kevyesti väritettynä:


Tavoitteleeko buddhalaisuus rationaalisen ajattelun seka muiden psyykeen rajojen ylittamista?


Zen-traditio on kuuluisa koan-harjoituksistaan (, jossa pyritaan nimenomaan mielen rakenteiden ylittamiseen paradoksia pohtien. Sama teema loytyy myos vanhemman buddhalaisuuden maailmasta, joskaan vaikkei yhta korostetussa hahmossa.

Bodhi eli valaistuminen tapahtuu egon rauetessa, viisauden silmien katsellessa olevan ilmentymaa omassa luonteessaan, vapaana psykologisista ehdollistumista.

Rationaalinen paattely seka muut psyykeen toiminnot eivat sinansa ole ongelmia itsessaan. Ongelma syntyy niita kaytettaessa. Mikali psyykeen prosessit rullaavat omaa rataansa havaitsijan ymmartaessa niiden kulun, ne ovat ongelmattomia. Mikali ne kulkevat hallitsematta, tai vailla ymmarrysta, on edessamme ongelma.

Eras ideaali on _mielen taydellinen hallinta_, sen seisauttaminen. Tama ei kuitenkaan ole buddhalaisen tradition paamaarana, silla mielen keskittaminen tai seisauttaminen johtaa samadhiin, mutta samadhi itsessaan ei johda bodhiin. Prajna eli viisaus johtaa valaistumiseen. Siina missa samadhi tukee prajnaa, ja on tietyssa maarin vaadittava tuki sen kehittymiselle, ainoastaan samadhin taydellistaminen ei johda nirvanaan.

Maailma on ymmarrettava — viisaus tarkoittaa olevan ymmartamista. Maailma voidaan ymmartaa joko stilleina tai liikkeessa. Ero kahden liikkeessa ymmarretyn maailmankokemuksen valilla on verrattavissa ihmiseen joen virrassa. Joen pysayttaminen on vaikeaa. Virran mukana kelluminen on vaivatonta. Kysymys on, _annammeko_ itsemme virran vietavaksi vai _joudummeko_ sen viemaksi.

Muotojen (1: rupa) lasnaolo mahdollistaa havainnot (2: samjna), jotka synnyttavat tunteita (3: vedana) viitaten menneisiin ehdollistumiin (4: samskara) seka luoden uusia. Tietoisuus (5: vijnana) on naiden viiden skandhan ( eli muodostuman taustalla oleva tiedostava valo.

Mikali henkilo havaitsee yllaolevat tekijat niiden omassa luonteessaan, irtisanoutuen identiteetista niiden kanssa, han kohoaa psykologisen ehdollistumisen ylapuolelle, ylittaen rationaalisen ajattelun muiden psyykeen prosessien muassa, avaten itsensa ehdollistumat ylittavan todellisuuden kokemukselle.

BabaBomMeditaation metodeistaLuonut: BabaBomSunnuntai 06.07.2008 13:10

"Minkalaista meditaatiota harjoitat? Mita tarkoittaa 'Transvehicular Buddhist'?"


Nykyinen suuntaukseni on mitaan yksittaista traditiota laajempi, jos vaikka leijonanosa onkin ammennettu eri buddhalaisten perinteiden maailmasta. Kokeilen eri metodeja ja niiden soveltuvuutta omaan psykologiseen kenttaani, tarvittaessa muokkaan tai yhdistelen luodakseni itselleni optimaaliset tyokalut.

Kirjoitin eraassa aiemmassa blogissani neljasta paa-asiallisesta meditaatiostani:

Ohella harjoitan valkean Taran sadhanaa (myotaillen Atishan Tara-bharttarika-sadhanaa), elementtien meditaatiota, erilaisia body-scan tekniikoita, energian kanavointia, "mind meld" tietoisuuksien yhdistamista, ja ajoittain myos mantra-japaa (Tara / Mani), pranayamaa ja kundalini-kultivointia.

Viime aikoina istuen tehty meditaatio on ollut vahemmalla. Kantavana teemana ollut maailman kohtaaminen ja siihen uudelleen integroituminen, uusi syntyma uusin lahtokohdin, uuteen maailmaan ja uuteen elamaan, taustalla kaikki vuosien varrella eristyksissa tehty pohdinta ja harjoitus. Tulee piste jossa maailma pitaa kohdata, tuoda nirvana ja samsara saman poydan aareen.

Niin, ja "transvehicular" on kommentaari toisistaan eronneista ja usein toisiaan vaheksyvista buddhalaisuuden suuntauksista: Hinayana, Mahayana ja Vajrayana. Yana tarkoittaa kirjaimellisesti kulkuneuvoa, "vehicle". Transvehicular on siten henkilo, joka ajaa tarpeen mukaan erilaisia ajoneuvoja.

BabaBom57 kilos of foodLuonut: BabaBomPerjantai 27.06.2008 19:27


As of late, I've been spending a good deal of my time working with the Angel's Heaven orphanage in the neighborhood, near the Kathmandu Durbar Square. Run by Amrit and his wife Aishwarya, this orphanage of 20 beautiful children is badly in want of support.

A friend spotted me the other day at a wholesale grocery store near the Universal Peace Foundation office — I spent away the last 2500 NRS I had to get the children food for the upcoming days. 30 kilos of rice, 10 kilos of flat rice, 5 kilos of mung dal, sugar and oil respectively, and a kilo of tea and mixed beans each, and at the crux of time — Amrit has a trekking office, but the season is now at rock bottom, owing both to weather and the current political situation in Nepal.

Some friends, inspired by the example, have chosen to hop onboard and do the same. The children need an average of 12 kilos of rice and 1 kilo of dal per day, in addition with some vegetables. Much is in plans for providing steady future sustenance for this small but beautiful and very meaningful project.

We've been painting at the orphanage also. This old guest house, now rented for the orphanage, is in need of renovation to provide for an inspiring environment for the little angels. Manue and Bikash have been lending their artist's hand to fill the walls with flowers, vines, fruits and other beauties of nature. The top floor roof needs repairs to get past the ongoing monsoon season, and a new 2000 liter water tank also needs to be purchased.

Much is to be done, then! I got a draft of the website today — thanks Manue! — and it should go online momentarily with more specifics on the running expenses and development prospects for the orphanage.

Anyone touched by the prospect is cordially welcome to contribute — in however small and grand way — to the cause. To give an example, 12 kilos of rice costs 850 NRS (8.50e) — here even little goes a long way! I will be posting more details in the days to come. In the meantime, feel free to get in touch with me if the above sparks an interest.

BabaBomSatoriLuonut: BabaBomPerjantai 27.06.2008 11:03

Radikaali tajunnanvälähdys, suunnaton viisauden virta, ajaton meta-kokemuksen jatkumo...

Tutkin mä tumman maailman teitä
ihmiskunnan syövereitä
haaskanneet on kansat rauhan
viisaan elon ohjenauhan.

Sydämestä synnyn löysin
viisauden sielt' kiskoin köysin
viisaall' aukee yhteys suuri
kosmoksen veljeyden juuri.

Yhteydessä elementit
yksiss' tuumin mielen ventit
sulanut sydämen huurre
hälvennyt samsaran puurre.

Viisaudesta rauhan synty
rauhasta taas onnen synty
täss' on tieto elämästä
salaisuuden tietäjästä.