I am: ***fucked up****
I want to: - jiks! I want too much
I have: nothing
I hope: everything
I hate:these questions :)
I am afraid of: this site
I love: Jaana and sergio
I always: am annoyed
I am not: anything I should be
I cry:all the time...
I need: a good lookin' guy!
Are you in love? I don't know
Do you want to ever get married? eventually, when I have nothing better to do
Do yo get along with your parents? Parents???? Haven't seen my father in 16 years - mom-yes
your current hair color: dark brown
birth place: Colorado Springs, CO
color: black/purple
song: Changes everyday! Right now . . .Sigur Rós uh . . .probably Meo Blódnasir tomorrow it will be different
season: Fall and Winter
Have you done any of the following things today?
cried? yes - had too . . .slammed my finger in my car door!
helped someone? yes
been chatting with a friend? yes
been sick? not yet - but I will
been to the movies? nope
talked to your ex? no
missed your ex? missed my ex???? Why the hell would I do that???
wrote in your diary? nope
missed someone way too much? everyday
huged someone: nope
had a fight with a friend? yes
Could you ever...
purposely set yourself on fire? could I??? Ergh... no
worship satan? to be funny - but not really
be a vegetarian? never!
get way too drunk? not too drunk
steal your friend's money? ?? only if they knew I was doing it
bite a stranger? I doubt it
watch porn? of course!
dye your hair pink? No, I don't like pink that much
go out with your best friend's boyfriend? I would NEVER do that!
make someone cry? I do that all too often
date someone 10 years older than you? duh . . . 10 years younger too
stay up all night? do it all the time
break the law? n e v e r :)
hit an animal?probably not . . .