


found the deep love inside

oddPerjantai 13.06.2008 01:10

yep, so here I am... I made it... actually all my exams with the best marsks and what... I feel more than depressed, I feel desperate
yes, I'm supposed to be near London from 23-6 until 23-9 and what... I feel I would kill myself
why I never can be happy at least for a minute? there is always have to be something what ruins it... kill me please (meaning it literally)

please?!Keskiviikko 11.06.2008 00:33

*praying for everything*
keeping my fingers crossed, maybe it will be all decided by the end of this week :P

it's getting scary lolMaanantai 09.06.2008 16:20

my whole situation gets scary, the last two exams frighten me, because they are last and what if...
and then, the situation about summer, I even get text messages from unknown people O.o
but it's funny on the other hand
and today I found my dream again, not that much different from my old ones :D
so I pray to come true

dizzy timeMaanantai 09.06.2008 01:49

too many things in one day *but I enjoyed after all, thx*

GejšaSunnuntai 08.06.2008 13:23

ovšemže myslím ten film...
byl nádhernej, úžasnej, opravdu super a po něm jsem zplodila tohle (v originále v Aj, ale nemůžu to sem hodit v Aj, prtž by tomu bylo rozumět):

"Dnes v noci jsem měla krásný sen...
slunce teple svítilo na písčitý břeh..
vánek si jemně pohrával s mými vlasy..
tak jsem zavřela oči a ucítila, jak někdo stojí velice blízko mě...
tak blízko, že jsem cítila jeho vůni..
jeho dech na mé tváři..
a ochutnala jeho duši skrze dotyk jeho sametových rtů...
Pak jsem otevřela oči a on byl pryč..
tak jsme se probudila a zjistila jsem, že to nebyl jenom sen..."

PS: Počet teček je důležitej, 2 = významná pomlka v hlase; 3 = nový odstavec :D

No PoriLauantai 07.06.2008 21:03

so I wrote a msg to Terka and she told me lots of very important info for me and so I decided,
I cannot go to Pori, at least not to that family
surprisingly I feel reliefe, but I feel scared of the fact, that I will probably stay here for the summer (that's my worse nightmare)
so let's hope

Little notesLauantai 07.06.2008 19:18

*reminds me of KWAN* when I'm in reminding, I remembered the 'quote' "Wake me up... when September ends" :) lovely

just few words for me to remember :)

You see = Jussi
You = Juha with some kind of imagination

when I remembered the rest what I wanted to write down, I will add it (but I know my mind, it's unreliable)

oh and can't forget... I listen to uusi Sara all over again, I love more than just "Rauhan aika", I simply love the voice of Joa, but not only :)

edit: jo, ne = Jonne
ja, ne = Janne

Kiitos bananalle!!!!Torstai 05.06.2008 21:35

Dekuju, dekuju, diky diky, kiita paljon, dikes, danke schön, ďakujem, muchas gracias, grazie ja merci!!!
Big big thank You for Your email, Your words made me feel better and gave me courage!
I will reply them and see, and You're right, the biggest fear is that I'm frightened of my lack of Finnish and I guess Terka studied Finnish at that time when she was there, so it wasn't a huge prob for her!

Oki, listening to Jennifer Lopez album Como Ama Una Mujer (nice title :D, I really need a recipe how to be a woman :D)... ah nice change and from tomorrow on I'm gonna learn law and economy, yay, can't wait (*saying ironicly*).

And now all of You just bow in front of Pee!!!! YOU RULEZ!!!

crisisMaanantai 02.06.2008 21:33

hehe I'm watching old Tik Tak live vids :D :D :D
it's prettyyyyy :P lol

getting over reluctancyMaanantai 02.06.2008 00:51

I got it, okey, I don't know how to raise my motivation to learn that stupid accountancy, but I know how not to feel like a prisoner
just looking at old live videos (e. g. Placebo - Blind from Brno) brings me back to life, the memories work great
so next time when I need awaking up in the stereotype life of studying, I should go back to memories, mainly the music ones :P