


found the deep love inside

A dream - a nightmareSunnuntai 31.08.2008 02:57

which I had last week
I was fighting with a snake in a water (who bitten Emilie) and then a crocodile in my living room at home. I put a stick into his mouth so I probably won, but it seems to me like always fighting with Emilie and Stewart (crocodile), and now it´s also in my dreams

get me out of here!!!

Tampere dreamMaanantai 11.08.2008 21:12

was lovely, me and group of my friends (I didn´t know those people but in the dream they were my friends) were driving a boat from a hill (instead of river it was concrete road so it´s impossible :D), stopped in a field (which was I think cover with snow) and not very far away I´ve seen those manufacture buildings of Tre and I was so happy about being there (like exactly the same way in reality, when I´m in Finland) and mentioned something about that this city is famous for making matches :D
funny and lovely dream, seems like since the family is away and I´m all alone at home, I´m not scared but I can finally sleep peacefully and enjoy myself being alone in the house, I´m starting to love the house (and my beloved alarm, which protects me every night)

LondonMaanantai 11.08.2008 04:16

I´m starting to love London, somehow :P

LondonPerjantai 08.08.2008 22:17

and his museums tomorrow, You do not know how much I´m looking forward
better than to be alone in this huge house

Rakkaudesta hulluuteenTiistai 05.08.2008 01:44

I heard it only once but this song is plain, without any juice as we say
where is the point in this song?
something is telling me that the lyrics are great but honestly, the sound, it´s like only one level, no surprises, no rifs, just another song but how can this be a single?
hope I´ll change mind later

DreamTorstai 24.07.2008 04:11

I had a dream about Jonne Aaron singing me a new song called ´A Chase´ [no, not ´the chase´ by Kill Hannah], I could hear the song, the lyrics, everything (my mind is strange, how it can make a song :D) and he was singing it with some woman. And in other part of the dream was Tom, my friend, having a pub with three grounds / floors in his house.
After this dream I felt like never before, like if some caring, protecting, gentle arm would spread around me like a shield and all of my troubles, thoughts, everything was released away and only peace remained, it was amazing, esp after I have every two nights a nightmare and I can´t sleep in the new room very well.

But, I made my plans for Finland. I hope I will be able to have everything done this Saturday.
Funny, nobody knows about my plans yet :D
Okey, so I will leave from here on the Saturday 20 September and take a flight to Tampere, stay there for a day or over night (if I have a place to stay) and go straight to Helsinki and stay there until 27 September (because on 26 should be ´Black Roses´ released) and then go back to my lovely family and home in Czech !
Doesn´t it sound beautiful? I guess so! And I will take loads of pics of Helsinki because (I hope I´ll buy the new camera) I will need them for my final essay or how is it called at my school (something around 30 pages :P), yahooooooo.
I should write my finnish family if I can stay at those dates :P
And all of this, my trip to Finland, keeps me up the water, keeps me a bit positive and happy (even though I´m not happy since I left my czech home)
hyvää yötä

PS: Oh yeah Pee, I´m not sadly able to come to Oulu, it´s way too expensive :( I´m so sorri about it but You will enjoy instead of me!

TRTiistai 15.07.2008 18:27

few days ago we had a chance to hear the new songs, two of them and I have to say, they surprised me like nothing else, I know Lauri with blond hair now, but all of this, everything together made me feel desperately sad, as I consider what I experienced through this band, with their old times, and now it´s the new phase and it feels strange, time can´t come back and people either
I´m still in shock about Asa, and I´m very sorry, she will stay in our hearts forever, she was the one who founded TR intl forum and it will stays like that, she was the one who united us
thank You

I´m hereLauantai 05.07.2008 18:00

in the new family and everthing went fine, now it´s going to be very interesting to get all the things done... but I´m excited :P

Things are getting madTorstai 03.07.2008 19:52

I´m scared, frightened, afraid of tomorrow... I should tell the mom I´m leaving and then stay over night, of this will be adventurous, I started to shake even now, what about tomorrow then?
my nerves is on the run °try to breathe deeply°
pomooooooooooooooooc, apua, hilfe... help :(

Why???Torstai 03.07.2008 18:18

everything has to be complicated or at least give me problems

to, ze mam permanentni strach, aby se neco nestalo s mou rodinou, pak taky s tema mejma dobrodruhama v Rumunsku a o dalsi zbytek kamaradu nestaci
do toho jeste, co bude dal s Juhou...
a cim dal vic mi leze na nervy ta mala, dovoluje si desne a pak je desne urazena a pak to bude na me a ne na ni, dneska dokonce chtela, abych jela s nima na dovolenou, to ani kdyby mi jeste za tu dovolenou platili, NIKDY
a do toho vseho, ja uz byla smirena, ze se zacnu balit a ejhle, asi se nikam nepostehuju nebo minimalne ne tento vikend, nova rodina se jaksi odmlcela a ani agentura nevi, co s tim a chteji vedet, jesli mi maj teda hledat jinou rodinu nebo ne
no parada, do toho jeste moje nocni murky [prtz nejsou tak strasidelny] a celkova nepohoda a vysledek... nic se nevyrovna rodinnymu krbu

Petiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hodne stestiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, radostiiiiiiiiiiii a zdraviiiiiiiiii do toho muzes zahrnout taky :P
gratuluju, ze si se dopracovala do takovyho krasnyho veku a posilam pusu

edit: tohle je muj horoskop na patek 4. cervence, a ja se tesila, ze by to mohlo vyjit :l To je vlastne den US neyavislosti, ne?

Risk is not something that you should be afraid of -- especially right now, when there is an exciting opportunity just beyond your grasp. You have to go climbing out on that limb to get it! If you take away a little more security from your life, you will be led down a very exciting path. It might be scary at first, but it will also be exhilarating. There are so many reasons to think positively and be confident about the next few months of your life!