


found the deep love inside

Hei moiTiistai 01.07.2008 17:36

So I´m writing from Grays, Essex, UK finally.
Well I don´t feel well enough to write something but I´ll manage it!

After finding out what is my new family in here like, I decided to move to another family, for me better, to St Albans. If everything goes well, I might be there this weekend already, yay :P
Because I´m simply not happy in here, okey, it´s not my job to be happy but if I have to spend 3 months in here I have to feel better than how I feel right now.
Actually I wanted to move to my new family in 3 weeks time but after yesterday I decided the sooner, the better.
I´m quite scared of the mom, shouting at her own kids, and I´m fed up with the youngest girl, she started to be very annoying like yesterday: "Hug me!" and I said: "No, I will hug You when I want to not when You command me." I understand her why she is all the time annoying and needs attention and is lacking of love but I´m not here to give her what she has never had!

And I found out that even though I understand their English very very well, I need to practise speaking, I always make mistakes and hate it!

On Sunday I have been to London, not much sight seeing yet but we have been to Trafalgar and stuff like this and I have to say: "I miss my Helsinki!", I mean few years ago London meant the center of the entire universe, but not anymore, I caught myself by the thought that I may almost hate London, I mean the city doesn´t mean anything for me anymore, I have no friends there (except You my dear Hanni) and honestly it feels to me like it´s useless to make any friends in here, like I have no good motivation. I always want to explore new countries, people, cultures but I feel stucked in here but on the hand I don´t wanna go back home to Czech either... strange, isn´t it.
I think it´s because of this job, I mean I don´t feel satisfied with job like this, it´s underrated and they just treat You like a servant (palvelja :D), not like in Helsinki with my amazing Finnish family ˙sob˙ So I think if I have normal job or be here as a student, it would be much better (maybe not, who knows), I wouldn´t feel like a slave to anyone, because right now I feel like that due to the fact I can´t leave anywhere else than UK, but hope my holiday in Finland at the end of September will happen and then everything will be okey again.

At least my friends make me happy, Hanni for being here with me, even though in London, I know You´ll get a dream job, no worries!
Pee for doing that well at school (miracles can happen) and going to Oulu which is AMAZING, at least one of us will be living in Suomi for a while!
And yeah, Standa and Tom, especially Tom, my two friends from school. I found out that I miss Tom a looooot, I´m worried about both of them, what if a bear ate them, or Dracula suck their blood, but what´s more, Tom is just a sweetheart! I really love him as a friend, he always makes me feel better and paints a smile onto my face, he cares even though he´s in Romania in the mountains risking his life, oh I miss him and can´t wait to be back at school... weird I know, but at that time this weird dream will end and I will come back to the school reality and my reality.

Now I´m listening to MCR, old albums, esp. Three cheers for sweet revenge (my fave) and it´s great to be back. I put lots of old stuff into my laptop and I watch and listen to it everyday and it´s amazing. I like it a lot. It´s not that I´m reminiscing the old life, it just feels good to know I have some history behind me, like this all reminds me I lived my life somehow in the past so I can built my future on something I have gone through.

Okey, I think it´s enough for now, I know this entry is messy, like all the things I have in my head right now, nothing is on its place and I can´t bare it for too long, I hope it will get better with the new family, because I don´t even remember my dreams, I always got to bed damn tired and wake up unwillingly in the morning by shouting of the kids and mom and during the whole day I feel tired like hell that I barely do what I´m suposed to do here.
No this will change, I will work on it!

Kiitos kaikille for support, I really appreciate it and need it
kisses and hugs

the song without a nameSunnuntai 15.06.2008 22:27

As I felt a bit weird past few days, no happiness from anything what I've done, now, the optimistic me is coming back... yeah, few things didn't work out as I'd like to, but nevermind.
I wanted to do the FCE certificate in London, but it's way too demanding with money and time and plus I don't need it right now, if I ever wanted to apply for a foreign university, I need the certificate 4 years old at maximum.
Today my brother has his 26th b-day, and so we have barbecue, and cakes, and all the sweet staff, it's really nice because of the easy atmosphere and time spent with my whole family which I won't see for few next months...
But still I don't feel like going anywhere, yeah, I'm slightly starting to looking forward my 'trip', but on the other hand, I can't still believe I'm going somewhere until I have my bus ticket (I can't imagine to travel for 24hours in a bus!!! hope somebody nice will be sitting next to me :D).
That reminds me that today, I had to think about Veruuu :P she may be in L.A. already or maybe stay at Paris airport for night... she's brave anyway, but I already miss her :(
Okey, gonna get a cake so hyvää yötä maailmaaaaaaa :D

oddPerjantai 13.06.2008 01:10

yep, so here I am... I made it... actually all my exams with the best marsks and what... I feel more than depressed, I feel desperate
yes, I'm supposed to be near London from 23-6 until 23-9 and what... I feel I would kill myself
why I never can be happy at least for a minute? there is always have to be something what ruins it... kill me please (meaning it literally)

please?!Keskiviikko 11.06.2008 00:33

*praying for everything*
keeping my fingers crossed, maybe it will be all decided by the end of this week :P

it's getting scary lolMaanantai 09.06.2008 16:20

my whole situation gets scary, the last two exams frighten me, because they are last and what if...
and then, the situation about summer, I even get text messages from unknown people O.o
but it's funny on the other hand
and today I found my dream again, not that much different from my old ones :D
so I pray to come true

dizzy timeMaanantai 09.06.2008 01:49

too many things in one day *but I enjoyed after all, thx*

GejšaSunnuntai 08.06.2008 13:23

ovšemže myslím ten film...
byl nádhernej, úžasnej, opravdu super a po něm jsem zplodila tohle (v originále v Aj, ale nemůžu to sem hodit v Aj, prtž by tomu bylo rozumět):

"Dnes v noci jsem měla krásný sen...
slunce teple svítilo na písčitý břeh..
vánek si jemně pohrával s mými vlasy..
tak jsem zavřela oči a ucítila, jak někdo stojí velice blízko mě...
tak blízko, že jsem cítila jeho vůni..
jeho dech na mé tváři..
a ochutnala jeho duši skrze dotyk jeho sametových rtů...
Pak jsem otevřela oči a on byl pryč..
tak jsme se probudila a zjistila jsem, že to nebyl jenom sen..."

PS: Počet teček je důležitej, 2 = významná pomlka v hlase; 3 = nový odstavec :D

No PoriLauantai 07.06.2008 21:03

so I wrote a msg to Terka and she told me lots of very important info for me and so I decided,
I cannot go to Pori, at least not to that family
surprisingly I feel reliefe, but I feel scared of the fact, that I will probably stay here for the summer (that's my worse nightmare)
so let's hope

Little notesLauantai 07.06.2008 19:18

*reminds me of KWAN* when I'm in reminding, I remembered the 'quote' "Wake me up... when September ends" :) lovely

just few words for me to remember :)

You see = Jussi
You = Juha with some kind of imagination

when I remembered the rest what I wanted to write down, I will add it (but I know my mind, it's unreliable)

oh and can't forget... I listen to uusi Sara all over again, I love more than just "Rauhan aika", I simply love the voice of Joa, but not only :)

edit: jo, ne = Jonne
ja, ne = Janne

Kiitos bananalle!!!!Torstai 05.06.2008 21:35

Dekuju, dekuju, diky diky, kiita paljon, dikes, danke schön, ďakujem, muchas gracias, grazie ja merci!!!
Big big thank You for Your email, Your words made me feel better and gave me courage!
I will reply them and see, and You're right, the biggest fear is that I'm frightened of my lack of Finnish and I guess Terka studied Finnish at that time when she was there, so it wasn't a huge prob for her!

Oki, listening to Jennifer Lopez album Como Ama Una Mujer (nice title :D, I really need a recipe how to be a woman :D)... ah nice change and from tomorrow on I'm gonna learn law and economy, yay, can't wait (*saying ironicly*).

And now all of You just bow in front of Pee!!!! YOU RULEZ!!!