


found the deep love inside

Haloo HelsinkiMaanantai 15.06.2009 21:09

I had a dream... hehe I know, sounds familiar, but really, I had and not only one, but I remember this snippet:
I went to Helsinki alone to look around, to go through all the places I love and two days after me came my friend Hanni and we had in plan to start to search for a job together (well, it is for London but not for Helsinki as far as I know). We went to our hostel by metro but it was actually a train over the lake, it was like half a meter above it and there were just the trails no bridge or something, but yeah, in dream is everything possible. And our hostel was in quite suburb and through the window we could see our neighbours and it was a Zoo. Or they had house and everything but in the garden they had a tiger (as other people has a dog) and in backyard they had a giraffe, pony .. etc. It was funny.

And two days back I dreamt about Ville ja Viivi that near Tuomiokirkko was a souvenir shop with little elephants inside, you just get them, roll the key and then tehy start to walk. So we rent two of those (we were so poor we couldn't afford to buy them) and went outside the shop to 'play' with them but it took so long (our preparations for it) that it stopped working and that's the end :)

Sounds happy, it is sadLauantai 13.06.2009 16:44

First, listen to it, please and than look below

even though the song sounds quite happy, the lyrics are very painful for Kyo, I guess I told you before about his early life, so this is from that time

Sadness x HappinessLauantai 13.06.2009 02:27

the sadest (it makes me cry even in a huge crowd in the middle of the day in the city center) and happiest (too bad they won't play Garden ever again) song from Dir en grey, enjoy

9-9-09Keskiviikko 10.06.2009 00:39

Tour Helsinki -> Turku -> Tampere -> Helsinki! (who wants to stop us? *devil smile*)

THE ENDLauantai 06.06.2009 21:06

Finally, I'm back home, after three years, I'll never go back to that school, never ever!
I'm officially DiS and can do whatevr I want (okey, almost).
I'm reallyyyy tired, but it was fun yesterday! Thx for sleep over Veru and amazing chatting :D Also thx to Péťa, he was brilliant!
Thx for anyone, for my friends, class-mates, people I've met and who made me who I am know (yeah, HE is among them too!).
This is the brand new beginning and so let's kick it!
Love, Ani

PS: The only two people from my school I'm going to miss. Standa and Tom so special thank You to them!

PS2: Pee, kiitos paljon, I appreciate it and going to cross my fingers for You too .-)

So I'm saying goodbye!Torstai 04.06.2009 13:54

I'm leaving soon and come back on Saturday.
I'm in half frenzy state of mind, half nervous, half happy (wait a minute, there's no third half!).
I can't wait yet I can't imagine what's going to happen.
All luck to any of You with exams around and c ya!

KevätKeskiviikko 03.06.2009 17:01

to jsou ale kvásný beruškyyy a ta tlavička zelená, no paráda, jaro je tu :D

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 02.06.2009 12:45

tak se mi vám udělalo tak zle, jsem slabá, zase nemůžu spát, pak zase vstát, snad to kafe zabere, jinak nevím, když už jsem nemohla rozdělat ani pytlík s müsli, tak to je špatný

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 01.06.2009 19:33

going outside after like a week of constant rain, it's like being released from prison :D

Před absolutoriemSunnuntai 31.05.2009 20:14

Snažím se už dva dny sesmolit obhajobu, no nejde mi to, spíš, nebaví mě to :(
Našla jsem v absolventské práci 3 chyby (shame on me) a nejhorší je, že mám "pikku lauantai" jako "malý pátek" (stupid, stupid me).
Už pár dní nemůžu večer usnout (je jedno, jestli jdu spát v deset nebo o půlnoci) a ráno nemůžu spát, vzbouzím se už v sedm, ale nechce se mi ani otevírat oči, jsem utahaná.
Neučím se už pár dnů, všechno mám projitý, ale netuším, co umím a co ne, takže žaludek na vodě.
Už neumím ani mluvit ("The united kingdom of America") ani číst ("You can meet there typical SAUNA of Finland like bears..." (fauna) a šílým.
Před spaním si pustím pěkně něco dost depresivního a i když neznám překlad, bulím skorem jak želva, ráno se vzbouzím s pocitem, že je na světě krásně a je radost žít, což mi vydrží zase jen do večera nebo do chvíle, kdy si pustím nějakou svou "oblíbenou" písničku od Diru.
Prostě je to sranda. Na druhou stranu jsem zase úplně klidná, nevím, co ten žaludek blbne, když jsem se poctivě učila celý ty roky i teď, něco dycky umím, ale...
No tak alespoň je veselo :P

PS: Až si tohle jednou budu číst, bude mi to připadat hooodně divný :D