


Death Makes The Artist

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[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 21.06.2010 19:17

I tried so hard to get you out of my mind
I tried so hard until it was all over and done
My feelings were long gone, no longer hurt in my stomach
At first it was love kid than turn it in constant arguments
I tried my hardest to stop it, this bitch that started it
Picturing love there wasn't nothing that could block the image

My thoughts depended on the actions the ways or love
In the dying sense I tried to forget it and let it past
Playing stupid as if I never knew what went wrong.

I questioned my love for you
You're leaving me
I know I can't handle this pain
Crying for you ?
Why won't you say you're sorry
Turn around and come back home
I'm just so tired of being alone.

Fuck it its all over and done feelings are gone
I love you should I even say or remember the words
Never destroyed anything having to do with our past you ruined the last
You were hiding the truth in the ?
We had our times until today
I hope you're happy alone

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