


it's like when you're in a two places at the same time..

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 23.12.2009 18:22

How could we be whole when they took all we've build away from us
How could I ever be happy again when you are not here
You're some where else not with me
They say try to move on but How could I move on without reason to live?

You were my sun you were my shine. I love you my sun shine
You were my part of happiness without you all I feel is lonelyness
I couldn't never tell you how much I love you and it's a shame
Because how could you ever come back if you don't even know
Here is some one who wants you back?

I cry I hurt I lay
I miss those times with you when I was happy
I doesn't even know how much you mean to me
Before you left me..
It was my fault
I shouldn't not tell you those lies
And now, even it's too late
I have to be honest
I still miss you though I said
I never want to see you again

And now I vanish in darkness
My only friend who I got left
I let all my friends disappear
Even you..
I let myself fade..

I miss you my sunshine
I miss you my friends
I always gonna love you
even I'm not there

Thanks for all you guys
Don't blame youselfs
It doesn't your fault
It was my decision
To let go of this life

I just travel in nightmares
and It was too much for me
Goodbye my sunshine
Goodbye my friends
I always gonna love you
even I'm not there

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