


This is my emergency... No, it's right, don't you turn now

Selaa blogimerkintöjä

It just a feel

It's just a feel
Hate me and join the clan
Anger will get stronger
with us
Hate will flow in veins
And you'll get stronger
with us
You are unbreakable
You are scary as hell
The scary Cat will run away
from you, in terror
Will she come back to you
not anymore, if you say so
No,you will stay alone
Alive forever and chuffed
Does she want to come back
and meet you
Do you want to see her again
Maybe she want's to hug you
You don't want to kiss her
She want's to be with you
You don't want to sleep
with her, with no one
You both want find love
You both find it so hard
But you don't know where
what is love
Where to go and what to do
but with us
You are not alone and
the help is here

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