My name is Sara and today I'm your english teacher. By the way Dani is superhot and cute. Okey, today we learn how to... Umm... How to speak to Dani. Girls can say something like that:" You have very big eyes, cute" or:" I love you more than chocolate" okey? Guys can say admitting that:" Wow dude, your pants is(?!?) awesome!" or:" Dude, I like your style". Now you can figure out something own or practise these what I just said. Mata, come next to me that we can listen music together.
Others, do your exercises!
Oon sit huono englannissa, mutta tärkeintä tässä ei ookkaan oikeinkirjoitus vaan idea, joka sai tuulta allensa eräästä keskustelusta :D
Joten virheiden etsijähikut, enjoy.