


on perinteinen pallo C:

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Moon Child SPOILER!Perjantai 29.06.2007 03:48

hkrickywu (5 months ago)

i dont understand this movie at all :/ what is so sad about it really??? at the end, they just got bored of being alive forever and wanna end it, i know its despressing, but its not that sad right??

may be im dead inside :/

pallomakkara (3 seconds ago)

that may be the truth... lol. :D

for me, it was mostly the events before the ending. I knew what will happen beforehands (but tried to pretend I didn't). don't you think it's sad when all of your nearest friends have died except one who's dying and doesn't recognise you anymore, one who'll be executed on the next day and one who you wish a good life to. because I think it is.

and don't you think it's sad when you finally meet someone who isn't afraid of you when even you are. you have a good time but then it gets too painful to stay and you go away. you get caught for what you are and want to die but they won't kill you. the next time you meet that person, he's leading a happy life. and the next time you hear his voice, he's lost almost everything and needs you desperately.

oh, I think it's sad.


Näin siis YouTubessa. Kommentti Moon Child -elokuvan viimesen pätkän jälkeen. Ah, se oli niin hyvä elokuva. :'3
(btw, en ihan tajunnu loppua. tai sitte tajusin, mutten haluu kertoo omaa versiotani siitä, ku en oo varma, oliko se oikee. en nyt tarkota sitä vampyyrinpureman jälkeistä aikaa vaa sitä taistelukohtausta... yrittikö shou tappaa kein tai antaa sen tappaa ittesä, tieskö shou kuolevansa? ei ku ei hetki, se kai halus kuolla... ._,)

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