


Surrounded but alone

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Seeker of deeperTorstai 22.03.2007 02:22

Jälleen piti kirjotella jotain, mikä piristäis tätä keskiviikko yötä :D

These pills that I don't even want to swallow
Has been taking the control of my life so hollow

Everytime I'm deeper
In this hole of hooked ones
Everyday I'm seeker
of something to free my lugns
'cause no more I can breath

Patient to doctor
and doctor to patient
That's me, and no one else
In my gage there's no one else

No way out
No hand to grab
No strenght to shout
Again my view starts to spin
Red wire of my life is so thin
it can be cutted by a blow of wind

Patient to doctor
and doctor to patient
That's me, and no one else
In my gage there's no one else

Patient to doctor
and doctor to patient
That's me, and no one else
In my gage there's no one else

Deeper, deeper
Seeker, seeker
Again I want deeper..

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