Liskolajin kaikki yksilöt on naaraita, ja laji lisääntyy partenogeneettisesti (, mutta asia ei ole aivan näin yksinkertainen.
"What happens here is that two female Whiptail Lizards will engage in "pseudocopulation" in which one female gets on top of another and grinds away like a male, and then they reverse their respective roles. This activity stimulates egg production in both lizards, which then lay fertile eggs."
Eli... lesboseksi on välttämätön tapahtuma. Tapahtuman kemiallinen vaikutus saa munan hedelmöittymään.
Nyt sitten moraalinen kysymys Jumalalle joka loi lajin. Jos moraalikoodisto on universaali kaikille lajeille, niin miksi luoda sellainen laji jonka lisääntyminen edellytää sen moraalin rikkomista (homoseksuaalisuus syntinä)?
Jos toinen naaraista muutetaan keinotekoisesti koiraaksi, se ei kykene hedelmöittämään naarasta.
"Crews' lab has also been able to produce male Whiptail lizards by manipulating Whiptail eggs.
The process places an inhibitor on an enzyme called aromatase on the egg. The aromatase inhibitor lowers the level of the estrogen by causing the conversion of estrogen to testosterone, which prevents the lizard from becoming female, Dias said. This results in the birth of a male Whiptail lizard. These genetically altered male lizards, called "virago lizards," are unable to mate with female Whiptails because they are triploid animals, which means they have three times the chromosome number of basic animals. This makes mating impossible between the two, Crews said." (