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Ainiin... unohdin...Perjantai 21.10.2011 12:21

Tämä piti laitaa 17. päivä, mutta laitetaan nyt jäljessä.

Miksi juuri 17. päivä? Tällä biisillä on oikeasti aika hauska tarina. Laitan lainauksen:
"October 17th, 2007 marked an important day in the history of Hatsune Miku. Just barely two weeks after her initial release, the popularity on the Japanese internet had raised to such insane levels, that Google and Yahoo Japan started blocking results for the keywords “Hatsune Miku” – because they were falsely identified as spam due to the sheer amount of traffic generated.
The outcry and sadness about the “disappearance of Hatsune Miku” have been so loud that just a few hours later Google and Yahoo officially apologized and lifted the block on the search results.
Happiness was restored and a legendary song was born."

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