

- Vanhemmat »

nicked off a friend :)Keskiviikko 16.07.2008 00:44

1.Oletko ikinä ollut jälki-istunnossa?

yup... once

2.Oletko ikinä luntannut?

no... naturally clever

3.Oletko ikinä suuttunut tai huutanut opettajalle?

not officially....

4....pussannut suulle poikaa?


5....ostanut kortsuja?


6....ollut kännissä?


7....polttanut tupakkaa?



once and it was SO FUCKING BO-O-O-ORING!!!!!!!!

9....valehdellut pahasti?


10...karannut kotoa?

nah... it left me...

11...ollut nälkälakosssa?


12...ostanut kaupasta viinaa tai tupakkaa ala-ikäisenä?


13...mennyt ala-ikäisenä baariin?


14...syönyt lääkkeitä yli suosituksen?

when i was 13

15...lyönyt ketään turpiin?

yeh, but by accident... nothing remotely brave about it....


just wee shit fae ma work

17...tehnyt ilkivaltaa?

once.... long story... involves an ATC trio, a march past and a shitload of greb! :)

18...oksentanut tahallisesti?

not just once *blush*

19...ollut masentunut?

hell yeh!

20...vihannut ketään?

one or two .... dozen :P

nicked off Mira (m-mira)Perjantai 04.07.2008 03:56

1. Jos ihminen olisi, mitä hän syö, mikä sinä olisit?
bit of most things, really... doesn't say much for me, does it?

2. Mitä pelkäät eniten maailmassa?
waste, especially waste of life

3. Uskotko oikeaan rakkauteen?
i used to but of late my experiences have shaken that belief to the core.

4. Onko totuus oikeasti tarua ihmeellisempää?

5. Osaatko elää hetkessä?
yes, sometimes...

6. Jos saisit palata ajassa taaksepäin, mihin aikaan palaisit ja miksi?
wouldn't. it would fuck everything up because it would change things in unpredictable ways.

7. Korvaako laatu määrän?

8. Haluatko lapsia? Miksi/miksi et?
have one already, but would not be unhappy to have more... needs the right person.

9. Mikä on ollut hienoin paikka ulkomailla missä olet käynyt?
Birmingham... sort of; maybe Stirlingshire, back in 1993 and 1995....

10. Entä kotimaassa?
the above is abroad for me now, but is in my homeland too....

11. Ymmärrätkö vastakkaista sukupuolta?
i'm with oscar wilde's quote on this one: meant to be loved, not understood.

12. Mitä aiot tehdä viikonloppuna?
fucked if i know....

13. Mitkä ovat lempivaatteesi?
you're asking a nudist that question???!!!

14. Kerro paras muistosi viime kesä- ja joululomalta.
my memories of these have been spoiled by the events of spring this year.

16. Oletko pitkävihainen?

17. Tahtoisitko asua muualla kuin nykyisellä asuinpaikkakunnallasi?
yes and no... depends...

18. Oletko rikkonut lakia? Miten?
yes... not saying (purely because it isn't exactly exciting!).

19. Haluaisitko pyytää nyt joltakulta anteeksi?

20. Millainen olisi unelmiesi syntymäpäivä?
one i didn't have to be aware of, but could still be sober.

21. Oletko tällä hetkellä ihastunut/rakastunut?
hmm... yes, but she can't be arsed to be in love with me anymore (if she ever was in the first fuckin' place).

22. Kerro aamurutiinisi.
still trying to develop one!

23. Onko sinulla ollut viime aikoina huono omatunto? Miksi?
yes, and it's too painful to tell...

24. Mitä odotat tällä hetkellä eniten?
nothing... i've learned to expect nothing...

25. Jos joku omistaisi sinulle kappaleen, minkä kappaleen hän todennäköisesti omistaisi sinulle?
fuck knows.... nobody would, i dare say...

26. Pelastaako hymy todella päivän?

27. Annatko helposti periksi?
no. scottish and therefore very fuckin' stubborn.

28. Teetkö hyvää ruokaa?
dunno... maybe Mira would like to cast an opinion... she's a chef.... could do with learning a bit from her, actually!

29. Milloin olet ollut onnellisimmillasi elämässäsi?
can't remember.... evidently too long ago...

30. Onko maailmassa paikkaa, jonne tiedät olevasi aina tervetullut?
yes. (changed in view of Jutti's comment)

31. Katsotko paljon televisiota?

32. Nukutko mieluummin yksin vai jonkun kanssa?
with someone, but she doesn't want that anymore. looking for someone else...

33. Pidätkö itsestäsi edes vähän?

34. Mikä asia/mitkä asiat ovat parasta elämässäsi?
my daughter....

35. a) Hyväksytkö tupakanpolton?

35. b) Entä alkoholin?
..........not to excess...

36. Tuletko onnelliseksi läheistesi onnesta?

37. Kenestä olet viimeksi ollut huolestunut?
someone i still love...

38. Onko maailmassa ihmistä, kenen takia luopuisit kaikesta omistamastasi?
dunno... would one have to?

39. Kuolisitko ikuisen maailmanrauhan puolesta?
not unless everybody else would... because that's the only way we'd achieve it....

40. Uskotko kohtaloon?

41. Oletko asettanut tavoitteesi korkealle?

42. Mitä tärkeää olet oppinut viimeksi?
hmm.... not sure i dare say...

43. Mikä kokemus on muuttanut sinua elämäsi aikana eniten?
school, and for the worst...

44. Jos saisit ottaa eniten vihaamaltasi ihmisiltä pois mitä tahansa, mitä ottaisit häneltä pois?
why bother? another bastard would turn up in their place.....

45. Jos saisit päättää, kuolisitko sinä itse vaiko paras ystäväsi huomenna, kumpi kuolisi ja miksi?

46. Tyydytkö siihen, mitä saat vai yritätkö saada enemmän?
try for more because the current getting is too little...

47. Onko mahdollista rakastua ensi silmäyksellä?
nah... it grows. if people let it.

48. Halveksitko ketään ihmistä sydämesi pohjasta?
not if i can help it, unless it's a stupid wanker of a politician like GWBush... in which case, their fair fuckin' game.

49. Oletko sanonut jollekin rakastavasi häntä vaikket oikeasti rakasta?

50. Mikä on mielestäsi elämän tarkoitus?
to make a difference for the better.

51. Miten tahdot kuolla?
not like my dad died... that was horrible...

52. Mikä on pahinta, mitä olet joutunut sanomaan toiselle ihmiselle?
i daren't even try to remember... was probably shameful.

53. Onko sinulla tapana katua tekemisiäsi/tekemättä jättämisiäsi?

54. Pelkäätkö enemmän henkistä vai fyysistä kipua?
depends on the causes...

55. Onko elämä mielestäsi ihmisen parasta aikaa?

56. Millainen ihminen haluaisit olla?

57. Mikä on suurin saavutuksesi elämässäsi?

58. Mistä olet ylpeä?
my daughter, my achievements and ... i dunno.

59. Mikä vetoaa sinuun vastakkaisessa sukupuolessa?
personality, basically.

60. Mikä musiikissa kertoo sinulle eniten? (sävel, sanat..)
just now, one of my own songs: She Has A Way. (the one i was singing in the above photograph)

so congratulate me....Torstai 12.06.2008 22:03

i just missed out on a fucking excellent job opportunity for the summer because i never got the appropriate support for finnish language training and for getting my professional qualification accepted here in finland.

don't ask how i feel about this.

don't tell me i'll be alright.

i hate this and i won't be alright.

at this point i do not enjoy living and am not sure i'll ever enjoy it again.

at this point i hate everything about this country.

i want to slit my other wrist.
today was a good day before i returned to the shit-heap.

was in Hki at the Liitto member associations' day with Heta as a joint delegate from the local association, and took part in some brainstorming. met JMF and talked about a few interesting things with him... felt like we speak the same language: science. saw a few lovely ppl from here.

did an impromptu supervision on the bus back. student's research is coming on very nicely... she's likely to become one of Finland's top autism researchers in the field of educational/social-developmental psychology and special education/training.

back at the crap-house and wishing i was back in Hki.

better than wishing i was dead.
so my life's starting - so i'm told - to take off, now. i have a finnish course coming up in october, and in august there's that JAMK course (GradCertEd in Cultural Awareness in Learning). i should be happy.

but i'm not.

i still cry because of missing someone (who, quite frankly, doesn't seem to give a shit about the pain she's pushed my way); and i feel totally unmotivated, unwanted, unimpressed with life and very unimpressed with love. above all, given how easy it seemed for her to reach the conclusion to dump me, i feel used. wasted. disposable. fit only for dumping.

not saying categorically that i was, but i am saying that's how it feels.

my nice friend N in Muurame recently had a similar experience to this: she and her guy split up. and she's been nice enough to share her thoughts and feelings on the experience with me. she relates to the emptiness, and loneliness and the feeling of 'half on my body's gone missing' that i'm feeling. she understands the whole issue. bless her heart, she sent me some music that has become our sort-of 'wannabe-anthem'. naturally, we're both a long way off the aim stated in the song, and it will take us time because we both were deeply in love with our former significant others.

Chris Daughtry - Over You (Daughtry, Christopher, Howes, Brian)

Now that it's all said and done,
I can't believe you were the one
To build me up and tear me down,
Like an old abandoned house.
What you said when you left
Just left me cold and out of breath.
I fell too far, was in way too deep.
Guess I let you get the best of me.

Well, I never saw it coming.
I should've started running
A long, long time ago.
And I never thought I'd doubt you,
I'm better off without you
More than you, more than you know.
I'm slowly getting closure.
I guess it's really over.
I'm finally getting better.
And now I'm picking up the pieces.
I'm spending all of these years
Putting my heart back together.
'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through,
I got over you.

You took a hammer to these walls,
Dragged the memories down the hall,
Packed your bags and walked away.
There was nothing I could say.
And when you slammed the front door shut,
A lot of others opened up,
So did my eyes so I could see
That you never were the best for me.

Well, I never saw it coming.
I should've started running
A long, long time ago.
And I never thought I'd doubt you,
I'm better off without you
More than you, more than you know.
I'm slowly getting closure.
I guess it's really over.
I'm finally getting better.
And now I'm picking up the pieces.
I'm spending all of these years
Putting my heart back together.
'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through,
I got over you.

Well, I never saw it coming.
I should've started running
A long, long time ago.
And I never thought I'd doubt you,
I'm better off without you
More than you, more than you know.

Well, I never saw it coming.
I should've started running
A long, long time ago.
And I never thought I'd doubt you,
I'm better off without you
More than you, more than you know.
I'm slowly getting closure.
I guess it's really over.
I'm finally getting better.
And now I'm picking up the pieces.
I'm spending all of these years
Putting my heart back together.
Well I'm putting my heart back together,
'Cause I got over you.
Well I got over you.
I got over you.
'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through,
I got over you.

i guess that N and i have to wait 'til our hearts stop hurting to be able to sing that song.

and i sit here now, in this fucking horrible little flat that new-ex hated, and i'm hating it too: not just because it's a depressing little shit-hole, but also because the memories that live here too are also fucking depressing. on the headphones, i have that song playing on repeat, and fucking loud! and this feels great.

my lovely friend N has managed to be the first girl to send a shiver up my spine for a long time now: and all it was - this song.

Where: you know well where i am
Feeling: pensive and nauseous
Music: Chris Daughtry - Over You (fuck, i wish it were true but it fucking isn't)

so....Tiistai 20.05.2008 18:12

went to the dentist yesterday... had a filling replaced and a cap refitted. feels better now, and eating's fine.

took about 15mins or less and ... actually, many of the professionals i've met in this country have been pillocks, but my dentist is pretty good. i'm lucky to have her.

also got the helipack for my gut infection... helicobacter pyloris going on. the pack contains three medications, and these are amoxicillin, metronidazole and lansoprazole. these are respectively an antibiotic, an anti-infective and a proton-pump inhibitor. the antibiotic will attack the bacteria themselves, and the anti-infective will metabolise into something that will eradicate protozoal and anaerobic organisms. the proton-pump inhibitor will reduce the production of gastric acid.

i'm likely to get (more) depressed, it seems... it's a side effect.

Cross-post from AS-palstaKeskiviikko 14.05.2008 21:44


Was at TVT today. Told them the current situation. Told about the course at JAMK. Told that I'd felt that the change of support arrangements this year might have been 'too little, too late', and that I was right (given the stress that both me and my dumper were under at the time because of my lack of effective support). Talked about methods of getting me employable: work-trial (possibly at TVT, because I have some skills that they currently need and do not have); structured course in Finnish language.


JAMK course can be done as työvoimakoulutus, so I get additional benefits. I also need travel expenses and accommodation expenses from either TVT or SosToim, and my social worker is looking into that option. She knows that, if I can't get those expenses, I can't do the course, so she is going to push hard for me to get them on a discretionary grant.

The JAMK course days fall on days that the Finnish course meets but my employment advisor says that it wouldn't be a problem (presumably, they'd see it as explained absences).

It is slightly possible that a work-trial can be arranged with TVT for two issues - lack of expertise on developmental difficulties and learning difficulties at the same level as mine; lack of expertise in culturally-sensitive assessment and counselling for clients for whom Finnish is not yet a second language. Such a work-trial could also be used as a way of getting laillistettu psykologi status with TEO.

Not a quick start to anything, and some things still not certain (e.g., the JAMK course, and the work-trial), but the Finnish training I've been needing and wanting is very likely. They can't understand why that wasn't initially offered to me when I became a client of TVT again in October 2006!

If even only one of the other two possibilities works out, that will have been a very good meeting.

And I handled my side of it solo (no support person with me; my current one could not get there). This begs a question; not one about me needing a support person; but, rather, the following:

If I can - with some degree of difficulty - fairly successfully drive my own matter, and the Autismisäätiö support worker could not, then what the hell is she doing working in support work with autistic people?

Doesn't go anywhere near getting a certain someone back with me, and the whole change package was definitely too little, way too late. So I'm not going to be ecstatic: nobody on earth can expect that of me. But at least, if the things I asked about pan out, I'm getting to become more employable. And that I see as a good thing.

[edit] 16th May, 2008
My social worker called and told me that her seniors at SosToim have agreed to fund my travel and accommodation costs for the JAMK course.

I have confirmed my place with JAMK and now feel less stressed than I did.

Because of the change in circumstances with the one who studies at JyU, however, I cannot connect emotionally with this. But it is a good thing, and reflects my social worker's desire to see me making progress. And I respect her a lot for that. Now I have the forms to fill in for this course as työvoimakoulutus and for the Finnish language course... TVT have agreed on these matters already.

Music: Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb
Mood: Uncomfortably numb
- Vanhemmat »