


Fiat iustitia, Pereat Mundus

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Written to the WallTorstai 16.07.2015 15:15

There was a time when my heart was open wide
Back then I had nothing that I wanted to hide
I remember happiness, how beautiful was life
But one day, shadows finaly reached my mind

Since then I've been hiding, locking the door
No one could see what I've been writing to the wall
White color been replaced with black and red
How I wrote that my old self is gone, it was dead

Love was proven to be wrong, it was only lies
How I wish that I could have been more wise
Heart doesn't produce heat to keep me warm
Shattered to pieces again, broken, torn

My life has now finaly faden away
No one was here with me to stay
Writings on the wall lost to shades
Now it's only me, with remaining pain

c. Joni "Nonno" K.

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