


Overly longing, yet accepting.

Lemon K.Keskiviikko 15.06.2022 01:45

Getting drunk right now. It's a full SUPER moon. I feel manic.

SometimesKeskiviikko 15.06.2022 00:28

Sometimes I realize awareness is a curse.
It fucking ruins me.

1234567890Keskiviikko 15.06.2022 00:23

It's all hitting me at once.
I've had to consciously live for about a year. For 9 years I couldn't.
So I'm in my body after 9 years.
I have to think and process everything all at once.
It's so much.

SolutionKeskiviikko 15.06.2022 00:09

I am me.
That's a fact.
The problem is I always believed I would die before 16.
I almost did. Kind of a close call.
I feel like I should've died there.
I can recognize myself when I see pictures of me in 7th grade.
And younger.
I don't understand HOW I got here. This far. I'm almost 18.
I love myself. I love all and every part of myself.
But I don't understand.
How am I here? How do I look like this?
Why did I have to experience the things I did.
Why me.
Why. me.

ThoughtsKeskiviikko 15.06.2022 00:04

I can recognize myself through these blog posts.
I see my writing.
I can (somewhat) recognize myself when I look at a mirror.
But I can't stand looking at pictures. Videos. It's not me.
It IS me that's the problem.
The problem is I'm still here. I'm still here.
I shouldn't be here.
I shouldn't.
I am not.
I am.
I am not.

?Keskiviikko 15.06.2022 00:00

I am so. goddamn. exhausted.
I help alot of people.
Or I like to think so, but.
When is it my turn?

I can talk about my things freely, there's nothing that is holding me back about talking I have zero issue with telling every single detail about my experiences and my life.

But no amount of talking helps.
Therapy helped. I miss Ari. He was the only one to understand.
I can't have that anymore.
I can't fucking carry this.
I'm so tired.
I need. a hug.

SanityTiistai 14.06.2022 23:56

I feel like I'm losing myself.
I can't understand or recognise clearly enough, how much I've grown, how much has changed.
I can't recognise me.

I feel like I'm slipping. Maybe..
Maybe my brother was right. About the numbers.
When you see 111, 222, 333, 444, 555... Twice?
Yeah. I can't think straight. I want to be somewhere.

I don't want to be alone.

Suicide note.Perjantai 10.06.2022 00:00

~ Admiration of the hated, twisting image of self. Life's teachings, zeroed by life itself. Idols, harbingers of chaos. Rebels through war, martyrs to prove their vision. Nullified by own beliefs, lock it all up in time's chest to vanish. Loveless existence. This silent sacrifice, to the goddesses I offer. ~

Tämä luki viimeisessä blogipostauksessasi.
Elän uskossa että tämän jätit minulle. Ja kirjoitit lapun äidille.
Toivon eläväni elämän jota kuuntelisit ilolla. Ylpeydellä.
Toivon että olet ylpeä minusta, miten olen vielä täällä.

Täällä olen ja pysyn.
Kulje kanssani.
Kuljen kanssasi.
Vihaisit sitä tapaa miten muistelen sinua. Samaan aikaan tietäisin ymmärtäväsi. Tunnet minut paremmin kuin itseni.

Day N' NiteTorstai 09.06.2022 23:48

Joskus muistelin että olisit ollut kattoon asti. Olit mun silmissä ylijätti. Pitempi kuin mutsi.
Muistan sun naurun, ja kuinka sydäntä lämmittävää sitä oli katsoa,
hymyn joka valaisi huoneen vaikka sä et sitä ideaa kestäisi.
I wonder a lot.
I shouldn't.
Each time I just end up imagining untrue things.
But in the end I love you.

Recollect.Torstai 09.06.2022 23:40

Sometimes I've wished you could see the same sunsets as me.
Sometimes I've hoped you were still here to see me, maybe you'd be proud of me.
Sometimes I sigh in relief that you don't have to be here.
I'm glad you didn't have to be here to witness Eddy die. Or Nuppu.
I never would've thought things would escalate or that living would become survival. I never thought I would go through horrific things and get out alive.
Each day of nothingness and begging for something, to see some sort of light in the clouds and to have any direction whatsoever.
But it's been white walls and yellow lights.
It's been many close calls of death and afterwards wondering how I'm even still alive.

I live for nothing.
Not even me.
Not for mom, knowing I was the reason she stayed alive.
Not for you, knowing you would want me to thrive.
It's been for nothing and with nothing.
And yet I long for reason.
A purpose.
There's nothing and I'm still here.
Yet there's everything-

But overall? In the grand scheme of things I shouldn't even be here.