Yhdysvaltojen vittuilukilpailun parhaimpia:
"Ya' mother is so stupid, that she calls ya nigga' Snowwhite!"
"Ya' mother is so fat, that if she would swim in 'da damn ocean, the US fleet would thin' that she's a battleship!"
"Ya' mother is so stupid and black, that she has to eat licorice with white gloves, that she wouldn't eat her own fingers!"
"Ya' mother is so black, that she couldn't hide to Southpole at all!"
"Ya' mother so ugly, that even the catholic church wouldn't take her in!"
"Atleast we know, what Bobby Clartons and Michael Jacksons baby would look like."
"You'r so stupid, that your momma' has to teach how to do it, by standing next to 'ya and telling advices!"
"You'r teeth are so yellow, that when you grin really wide, you look like the Golden Helmet of New Yorkers."
Yksi suomenkielinen lause, jolla voitat tuon perusteella kaikki Yhdysvaltailaiset vittuiliat.
Sentään minä osaan näyttää kartasta oman kotimaani.
"Atleast I can point <my> homecountry from the world atlas."
Kuulemma 5% Yhdysvaltalaisista ei kykene siihen.
Aika paha.
"Ouuuuh, she BURNS!"