
MetropoliceLauantai 16.02.2013 19:33

I can see
You can see
We can see the falling fighting.

Fall in this developing Metropolice
Thats All digitalized.

We forget having stepped
on the Earth with the shank's mare.
We soak in paradise of the Delight.
Politics and economy are all genetic structure.

Imagine it.
What do you wish in that?
We are not of machine and iron.

We have an ego and the will.
In the world where everything is made
automation our existance will disappear for long

Say "Fly free, my soul "
We are denied to what oneself.....

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 13.02.2013 05:29

Fly for the sky
Tie my ropes
Keep me on a leash
That I have never been

Rise for the time
For the hourglass
That has been turned around
And stopped the flow

Leiki kuolluttaKeskiviikko 13.02.2013 05:06

Kulje varjoissa
Poissa joukosta
Leiki kuollutta
Kylmällä sydänmellä

Leiki kuolluttaKeskiviikko 06.02.2013 01:54

Kulje varjoissa
Poissa joukosta
Leiki kuollutta
Kylmällä sydänmellä

Our StoryLauantai 02.02.2013 05:47

Someday our world will fall to our neck, starting an new era, a new page of for our upcoming release.

Only thing that reminds us of our existance is pain and all the comforts around it.

Once your trapped in the path of time, you know how the lore of your life is going to end.

Our life, our story


~Sunnuntai 20.01.2013 06:13

Oi miksi, sanat on näin hyvät?

<3Sunnuntai 20.01.2013 05:58


pictureMaanantai 14.01.2013 09:12

I was not able to draw the picture.
I want to draw the picture of hope.
I want to draw the white world.
Even if you are in the black world.
I believe that you are white.
I remembered you and me to snuggle up to.
I drew two flowers.
This picture is not sad.
However,why am I sad?

EntwinedLauantai 12.01.2013 07:47

Like two vines, tightly entwined
Shattered and scattered all around my mind
They shall never, ever wake up again
Or the demons, the hallowed will turn from slumber to awaken

I will never let our entwined fingers to be braken
No matter how strong the ghosts of pas would straighten 'em

Thoughts of a "man"Torstai 22.11.2012 21:44
