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hate subsidesMaanantai 28.09.2009 19:03

imagine this

when you beat something hard enough

and for long enough

the feeling of hate subsides

you have no more hate to offer

you just simply lay down your arms

and sigh

and then realize this all happened inside your own head

where your real strength is

aiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrgLauantai 22.08.2009 19:42

i had a sore throat
my nose was like a watertap
my eyes were irritated and flowing
and it started to rain outside
yeah, it was pretty cool. literally
it was cold, and i walked through the rain angry and irritated

one thing made this even cooler.

i was listening to EHG

yeah manSunnuntai 14.06.2009 17:03

the day before today was like.... ''flick'' blblblblblblblblblblbl ''flick'' blblblblblblblblblb

fzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz fzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz wahwahwahwahwawhawah

lolwut imma jammin in the woods

i iz jammin mah brainz

lol wut

then imma so jammed i forget mah cell phonez to teh woodz

that iz wicked right

vitttu asdfasgsdfgasfgKeskiviikko 10.06.2009 20:40

mul on saatanan vitun helvetin helvetti yleisliimaa mun hiuksisa


homotpppppppolpp ja sit sitä omn näppikseski

vitun mukavaa

jeahTiistai 02.06.2009 23:57

vois kyl mennä pelaa monty python's flying circusta. on muuten harvinaisen kova peli.

And now: How to regconize different types of trees from quite a long way away.

Number 1: The larch.

Oho, hei mitä te oikeen teette?:D Viette mun pään. Tässä vaiheessa olen kala, jolla on viiksekkään ja silmälasisen miehen pää. Varokaa tippuvia lintuja. Ainiinjoo, kerätkää myös SPAM - tölkkejä.
Okei, sitten nuo hienot jalkaterät joissa on propelli. Niitäkin pitää varoa ja ampua kaloilla. Jep.
Sitten. No, en edes osaa sanoa mitä noi on, hei eiku siis osaan. Koiria joissa on propelli:D

And now... Number 1: The larch.


Game over. We apologize for the premature ending of your game.


oho, se jatkuukin. almost got me there:D

juuMaanantai 01.06.2009 20:43

hei haluutteko te karkkia?

mulla on vaan voileipä
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