


I don't need to be touched by you
Ohh, I think I'm feeling guilty.
My conscience calls,
I know I'm not that kinda person,
as my friends seems to think.

I'm so sorry to say this,
but I'm no fighter.
I gave up since
you broke my heart.

But this time, it's different.
I can't stand another day without you,
But desperation makes me stay.

Yeah, Yeah, I know,
it's not like me,
to break down,
'cause of some guy.

It's not like me to cry myself to sleep every night,
just 'cuz I'm all alone.

But this time, it's different.
I can't stand another day without you,
But desperation makes me stay.

I've been tryin' to get over it, so many times.
But everytime I try to do that,
I hurt someone, and I realise,
I can't get over you.

I need to leave this town,
This city, my friends, everything.
I can't be here,
Everything reminds me of you.
Everyday is like living in a hell.

But this time, it's much worse.
I can't stand another day without you,
But desperation makes me stay.

I'm sorry I didn't mean to blame you,
I never meant to make you feel guilty.
I hope you find someone,
who can do the things I couldn't,
someone who'll makes you smile,
someone who'll mean everything to you.

To me you were that someone,
but I know you don't feel the same,
so I'm leavin', 'cuz I know I can't get over you.

(c) booberry

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