


I don't need to be touched by you
If I could find the words.
If I could find a way to explain this,
you know I would.

I'm tryin' so hard to find a way,
to find a way to make things right.
I just wanna make this right again.

I hope we're gonna get trough this.
Without you, there would never ever be me.

Don't let me go now,
you got a hold of me so please,
I'm asking you.
Do not give up on me.

There's a million things I could say,
but I can't take the pain away.

I'll do anything to make this right,
you know I would.
I need you here.
I miss you.

Remember when you said,
there's nothing we can't talk trough?
Nothing that could break this friendship?

Please tell me that it was true.
Tell me that we can find some way
to get trough this.

' Cuz I'm so sorry.
And I miss you like you'll never know.
If I never told you,
this is tearing me apart.

(c) Pejkkis

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