


at the point of no returning

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i wouldn't know where to begin.

125.Maanantai 31.05.2010 02:52

jos päättäisin kerrankin tehdä jotain asioiden eteen.

you'll be mine.

124. j'adoreLauantai 29.05.2010 03:31

123.Torstai 27.05.2010 00:04

you make me sick because i adore you so.

122.Sunnuntai 23.05.2010 20:16

Oon niin heikkona tohon mieheen ja meen sen kaa heti naimisii jos se vaa haluu!! Kertokaa mulle mist tollasen saa ni meen henkilökohtasesti hakemaan.

121.Torstai 20.05.2010 10:38

never been better.

120. but it's u i takeKeskiviikko 19.05.2010 23:12

"Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for."
-Bob Marley

119.Maanantai 17.05.2010 01:24

i lied to get into her pants
it worked.

118.Sunnuntai 16.05.2010 05:47

he said i was the one.
you were romeo,
i was a scarlet letter.