There’s someone in the matrix, but he is outside of the matrix and he’s trying to see if I can get out myself, but it’s a simulation of characters and number that are coming out of a simulated interface of a mushroom and that’s what’s a computer interface and comes out and up the interface because I’m stupider than the interface at not seeing it as electro magnetic energy from the very frantic of reality of every character and number and letter signifying a porno chick porno movie with me and it looks like what I’m looking at and that’s what my house looks like at every porno movie I’m in as and then I’m some type of graphic of the computer and my face is a computer screen and body are different parts of a computer attempting to turn what a human body isn’t even as a machine because it’s simpler to not have wounds and I talk like a computer waking the white race up in pornography and the simulation isn’t what I understand it’s because I listen like a drawing and I’m you can’t be me smart like Matthew Hawkins said, “I’m street smart,” and then I’m not in a simulation at being stupider than the matrix because I can’t stop listening to how good of a drawing it is as a computer drawing graphic from the space station in seeing who is alive at not knowing why I’m not anybody more than they are the same way the milf hunter Sean rees and whatever he said to mushrooms to back up his trip at what he said to be in porn at Nubian goddesses not liking or any girl not liking him like the way Thomas pojunas said it about me and make mushrooms make white people not think and realty doesn’t exist at them not making me be in porn and I didn’t have to trip on them And every character and letter is a black person in universal matrix at being a thing called forth out of the secret terminal of the matrix of the universe and then Matrix programs are continually seeing black people anytime and my ex-girlfriend at having sex in a porno and seeing how to every night in holographic simulation telegram anytime from the future machine of the future seeing me dream predicting them survive and ate mushrooms to never have tried acid deleting lysergic acid diethylamide out my system and tripped without having to trip and knew the same difference as what mushrooms in my system that have never tried acid because I’m hiding that I tried acid and that girl that I can hear on acid device hearing things as thoughts and I’m dead and I don’t know you for that very reason and it doesn’t exist is what I’m trying to pro and they die the same way plants feel and I eat psychedelic mushrooms to know what my porno movie is doing without having a trip on psychedelic mushrooms and it’s the same difference as having tripped on them and I figured out everything I had to figure out because I know what the trip is anyway and there’s an acid tab confusing me like that mushroom is confusing Sean Rees the way it’s confusing me isn’t true as the alien that made the matrix up and I survive by listening to him because you saw the mushroom on the other planet that saw this planet’s future light refracting on other light and I listened to it telemetry anytime I’m the alien that made the matrix up and then another computer in the matrix made that matrix change and Everytime I pleasure my penis, I masturbate like a gas meter that looks like a porn color that I stop masturbating when the gas meter of the girl’s athletic ability goes below 400 volts on a type dd-6 model 866ddv y255 no. 1155385 volts on inst. terminal on scale resister int. as an Iris in my famous insinuation.