I can’t survive isn’t true because I know what pornography is and I know what internet pornography is doing to piss me off because people 500 porno movies in, I film it and I got into being famous, famous in pornography, in history, and the president and I know what they act like by figuring out what achilles is doing at killing Apollo and I keep figuring it out for 10,000 years as tool’s song 10,000 days all through history at killing achilles without getting confused as other people and they tell me what I’m doing and keep me alive with the president of the United States of America at being achilles and Alexander the Great at accomplishing something worth remembering me by the god Apollo’s permission at eating mushrooms because Alexander the Great and Apollo are keeping me alive through history at talking to them like like I look at my porno movie with them and have sex with as many porno girls as they wanted me to before I became a god to become achilles and Alexander the great at killing achilles and looking at pornography on the internet in history and putting myself in pornography at killing white people and making myself famous in pornography at killing people and killing my enemy the same way hollywood wanted me to in the same way some alien showed me how to be in pornography as Christ in pornography with her mind’s eyeball and never die in pornography at killing the whole white race and I copy them at killing brad pitt and achilles with reuel banner go the theory I came up with at seeing it when I saw what achilles saw looking up at outerspace.