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Robert Anton Wilson: Itseksi tuleminen

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Luin taas pitkästä aikaa Illuminatus! -triologian ja vastaan tuli selkein selitys siitä mitä alempana yritin selittää:

It is now theoretically possible to link the human nervous system into a radio network so that, micro-miniaturized receivers being implanted in peopleÂ’s brains, the messages coming out of these radios would be indistinguishable to the subjects from the voice of their own thoughts. One central transmitter, located in the nationÂ’s capital, could broadcast all day long what the authorities wanted the people to believe. The average man on the receiving end of these broadcasts would not even know he was a robot; he would think it was his own voice he was listening to. The average woman could be treated similarly.

It is ironic that people will find such a concept both shocking and frightening. Like Orwell’s 1984, this is not a fantasy of the future but a parable of the present. Every citizen in every authoritarian society already has such a “radio” built into his or her brain. This radio is the little voice that asks, each time a desire is formed, “Is it safe? Will my wife (my husband / my boss / my church / my community) approve? Will people ridicule and mock me? Will the police come and arrest me?” This little voice the Freudians call “The Superego”, which Freud himself vividly characterized as “the ego’s harsh master”. With a more functional approach, Perls, Hefferline and Goodman, in Gestalt Therapy, describe this process as “a set of conditioned verbal habits”.

This set, which is fairly uniform throughout any authoritarian society, determines the actions which will, and will not, occur there. Let us consider humanity a biogram (the basic DNA blueprint of the human organism and its potentials [e.g. instinct, natural desire, and free will]) united with a logogram (this “set of conditioned verbal habits”). The biogram has not changed in several hundred thousand years; the logogram is different in each society. When the logogram reinforces the biogram, we have a libertarian society, such as can still be found among some American Indian tribes. Like Confucianism before it became authoritarian and rigidified, American Indian ethics is based on speaking from the heart and acting from the heart — that is, from the biogram.

No authoritarian society can tolerate this. All authority is based on conditioning men and women to act from the logogram, since the logogram is a set created by those in authority.

Every authoritarian logogram divides society, as it divides the individual, into alienated halves. Those at the bottom suffer what I shall call the burden of nescience. The natural sensory activity of the biogram — what the person sees, hears, smells, tastes, feels, and above all, what the organism as a whole, or as a potential whole, wants — is always irrelevant and immaterial. The authoritarian logogram, not the field of sensed experience, determines what is relevant and material. This is as true of a highly paid advertising copywriter as it is of an engine lathe operator. The person acts, not on personal experience and the evaluations of the nervous system, but on the orders from above. Thus, personal experience and personal judgment being nonoperational, these functions also become less “real.” They exist, if at all, only in that fantasy land which Freud called the Unconscious. Since nobody has found a way to prove that the Freudian Unconscious really exists, it can be doubted that personal experience and personal judgment exist; it is an act of faith to assume that they do. The organism has become, as Marx said, “a tool, a machine, a robot.”

Those at the top of the authoritarian pyramid, however, suffer an equal and opposite burden of omniscience. All that is forbidden to the servile classes — the web of perception, evaluation, and participation in the sensed universe — is demanded of the members of the master class. They must attempt to do the seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, feeling, and decision-making for the whole society.

But a man with a gun is told only that which people assume will not provoke him to pull the trigger. Since all authority and government are based on force, the master class, with its burden of omniscience, faces the servile class, with its burden of nescience, precisely as a highwayman faces his victim. Communication is only possible between equals. The master class never abstracts enough information from the servile class to know what is actually going on in the world where the actual productivity of society occurs. Furthermore, the logogram of any authoritarian society remains fairly inflexible as time passes, but everything else in the universe constantly changes. The result can only be progressive disorientation among the rulers. The end is debacle.

The schizophrenia of authoritarianism exists both in the individual and in the whole society.

I call this the Snafu Principle.

— Hagbard Celine, H.M., S.H.; Never Whistle While You’re Pissing (i. e. Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson, excpert known the Illuminatus! trilogy.)
Ensin huvi, sitten vähän lisää huvia

Mä en voi sille mitään, että Prince Nuada saisi mut multiorgasmiin pelkästään koskettamalla mua.
Tai tappamalla mut väkivaltaisesti.
Ja siis nimenomaan tuo hahmo.
Jos toi näyttelijä lähentelisi mua niin en luultavasti olisi läheskään yhtä kikseissäni.

Ihastun todella usein hahmoihin, jotka edustavat käsittämätöntä pahuutta ja voimaa.
Onkohan minulla sairaalloinen fetissi graafista vääryyttä kohtaan?
Saan välillä suunnatonta mielihyvää elokuvakohtauksista, joita useat pitävät kuvottavina, järkyttävinä, loukkaavina tai pelottavina.

Miksi rakastun olemattomiin olentoihin?
Miksi pahikset on aina seksikkäämpiä kuin hyvikset?
Miksi saan suunnatonta seksuaalista mielihyvää kun katselen fantasia- ja scifihahmoja lahtaamassa toisiaan?

Ota minut kovaa seinää vasten, pure kaulaani ja satuta minua.
Ole se kauhuelokuvan hirviö joka silpoo neitsyitä.

Tästä herää muutama muukin kysymys koskien seksuaalisuuttani.


Miksi tunnen suurempaa vetoa naisia* kohtaan?
Miksi olen lesboja* ja bissetyttöjä* kohtaan herrasmiesmäinen ja yltiöseksuaalinen?
Miksi harrastan enemmän seksiä miesten* kanssa?
Miksi olen yleensä heteromiehiä* kohtaan tyly ja argessiivinen?
Miksi olen julkisilla paikoilla mieluusti nudisti (tai ainakin melkein), mutta uuden ihastuksen lähellä ujostelen vaatteiden poisottamista?
Miksi pitäisi määritellä seksuaalinen suuntautumisensa tai sukupuolensa?

Miksi tuntuu kuin kaipaisin kaiken aikaa hirveästi vastauksia kysymyksiin joihin en Tarvitse Oikeasti vastauksia?

Miksi rakastan asioiden kyseenalaistamista?

Olen innostunut Robert Anton Wilsonista lähiaikoina aika suunnattomasti.
Hänen innoittamanaan olen koonnut pienen tehtäväpaketin.
Pidä hauskaa!


Tehtäviä Sinulle ja Minulle:

Sinä luit tämän päiväkirjamerkinnän tähän saakka.
Mielesi on muodostanut lisäkysymyksiä.
Kirjoita niitä kommentointilaatikkoon.

Sinä luit tämän päiväkirjamerkinnän tähän saakka.
Mielesi on muodostanut vastauksia.
Kirjoita niitä kommentointiilaatikkoon.

Sekoita omat käsityksesi seksuaalisuudestasi.
Mieti, minkälaisen henkilön kanssa et IKINÄ KOSKAAN harrastaisi seksiä.
Etsi tällainen henkilö, ja kiihotu hänen kanssaan.
Mieti, minkälaisen henkilön kanssa harrastaisit MIELUITEN seksiä.
Etsi tällainen henkilö, ja vietä hänen kanssaan aikaa, ilman että kosketatte toisianne lainkaan.
Fiilistele tunnetiloja.

Ajattele mielessäsi henkilöä, johon olet ihastunut, tai jotakuta, kehen tunnet suurta vetoa. Mietiskele häntä hartaasti. Lue seuraava rivi vasta kun olet tehnyt tämän.
Mikä on ensimmäinen kysymys joka sinulle tulee mieleen?
Kirjoita se paperille (tai Notepad- tiedostoon, tai mihin vaan).
Miksi sinulle tuli mieleen juuri tämä kysymys?
Mitä tämä kysymys kertoo suhteestasi kyseistä henkilöä kohtaan?

Lähde kävelylle.
Suutele ensimmäistä vastaantulijaa. (Pusukin riittää.)
Miksi se on vaikeaa?

Aloita päiväsi niin, että päätät kyseenalaistavasi kaiken.
Voit myös kyseenalaistaa oman päätöksesi.
Kyseenalaista aurinko taivaalla, kyseenalaista tieteelliset todisteet, kyseenalaista olemassaolosi.
Keskustele ihmisten kanssa, ja katso kuinka kyseenalaistamisesi vaikuttaa heidän käytökseensä.

Sinä ET lukenut tätä päiväkirjamerkintää alusta loppuun saakka,
mutta silti luet tätä nyt.
Miksi? Miten?
Kirjoita siitä kommentointilaatikkoon.

* Käytän sukupuoli- ja seksuaalisuus- nimityksiä näissä yhteyksissä, koska koen, että nämä henkilöt pitävät itseään kyseenlaisina olentoina, ja melkein jopa julistavat hetero/bi/lesbo/mies/naiseuttaan. Harmillista, että en osaa vielä kirjoittaa henkilöistä ilman, että käytän näitä sanoja.
En pidä lainkaan sukupuoli- tai seksuaalisuusroolittamisesta, ja silti teen sitä itse.
Älä tee niin kuin minä teen, tee niinkuin minä YRITÄN tehdä.

TemetheusHuhh.Luonut: TemetheusKeskiviikko 11.03.2009 13:58

Oli siisti eiline. uintia, laulamista ja muuta kivaa.. :) viilikset oli päiväl aina huipussaan. pitää kyl kattoo toi Maybe logic -dokkari kunnolla paremman ajan kanssa.. vilkuilin jo parikyt minaa, tosi päräyttäviä ajatuksia. Ehkä kaikki on mahdollista. kaikille uteliaille ja mahdollisuuksia pohtiville ihmisille, ja keille tahansa muutenki! Tossa on tosiaan siis Henryn aka Olentolupan kääntämät suomenkieliset tekstitykset, kieliopillisesti toimivaa materiaalia.

Nyt pitää lähteä Ankanpoikarockia tsiigaa ja sitten Mäntsälään kotailee! :)
Tulipa työstettyä, mutta tässä vihdoin tarjolla:

( Enkunkieliset tekstit löytyvät myös, )

Suosittelen todella lämpimästi kaikille, aivan erityisesti sinulle. Jos siis olet UTELIAS ja KIINNOSTUNUT ASIOISTA, katso tämä. Wilson on tiettävästi nussinut todella monen tietoisuutta uudenlaiseen tilaan, itsekin lienen yksi heistä.
Tulipa tässä saatua valmiiksi tekstitykset tähän aivan uskomattomaan Robert Anton Wilsonin ajatuksia esittelevään dokumenttiin. Tekstitykset ovat englanniksi, halusin tehdä ne koska Wilsonin puhe on paikoin aika epäselvää kuunneltavaa, ja tekstitykset helpottavat ymmärrystä.

Suomenkieliset tekstit ovat myös tulossa, joten jos ei englanti oikein taitu, niin niitäkin voi odottaa. Suosittelen kuitenkin kaikille jo nyt, koska tää dokkari nyt vaan on mahtava - jokaisen ihmisen pitäis nähdä se, useita kertoja. Aika moni on ilmassu kokeneensa merkittäviä muutoksia olossaan Maybe Logicin jälkeen.

Hehkutinko tarpeeksi? Kato. Et kadu, ja rahat takaisin jos et kadu.

ps. mahdollisia tekstitysvirheitä voi ilmottaa mulle ni korjaan.
(The scene: Wilhelm Reich is on trial in Hell. The trial looks in all respects like a 3-ring circus, complete with jugglers, acrobats, fire-eaters, etc. The prosecuting attorneys are the Marquis de Sade and Count von Sacher-Masoch, both of whom are dressed as clowns. The Ringmaster (Satan) presides as judge.
Early on in the trial, Dr. Reich introduced as evidence a Computer which continually monitors the growth of the worldwide nuclear weapons stockpile. The Computer emits an ear-splitting whistle every time there is an increment in firepower equivalent to the original Hiroshima bomb.....)

SADE: Why did you rebel against Freud?

REICH: (slowly) I rebelled against Freud because he was a coward.

The Computer whistles again.

SADE: A coward? The man who challenged all the taboos of his age?

REICH:He back-tracked, he evaded, he weaseled. He would not say flatly what his theories all implied.

The Computer whistles again.

SADE: (shouting over whistle) You mean he did not share your Utopian fantasies.

REICH:Look at the photos of him; look at that jaw.

The Computer whistles again.

REICH:Look at his expression, those clenched teeth. He was holding back -- and I tell you, all of you, that is why he got cancer of the jaw finally. He wouldn't speak what he knew. He held it in, behind those clenched teeth, until it killed him.

SADE: And what is the truth Freud dared not speak?

REICH:Everybody knows it by now. Look at the crime news on TV --

Computer whistles again.

REICH:or go into the emergency clinics and talk to the rape victims. Talk to the battered wives and the abused children. Our whole species is mad, emotionally plagued. We have been mad so long that every attempt to break out of the Trap just unleashes unconscious rage and increases the violence.

Computer whistles again.

REICH:We all know we're in the Trap, but nobody knows how to get out of it. We attack each other thinking that's the way out.

SADE: What? That is the truth Freud dared not speak? I thought he said all that in Civilization and its Discontents.

REICH:He would not say there was a way out of the Trap -- one way only --

SADE: Your way, of course.

REICH:The way I discovered, gradually, after many mistakes.

SADE: Which is?

REICH:Work on the breathing and the muscle tensions. And tell people frankly that there is no metaphysical Good and Evil in the human world any more than there is in the animal world or the chemical world or the physical world of gravity and mass.

SADE: Hedonistic materialism, in short. The permissive society.

REICH: Not permissiveness. Sanity. If a child is a nuisance, tell him so. Tell him his behavior is annoying. But never, never make a metaphysical moral issue out of it. Never, never say anything is sinful or wrong in a cosmic sense. Never pass on the lunacey, the Emotional Plague, that has come down to us from ages of superstition and barbarism.

SADE: A world without morals. Anarchy. That is what you mean?

REICH: It is not anarchy. It is what every person with an ounce of sanity knows. Nobody is to blame for anything. We are all in the mess together because our ancestors were mad and a mad society has passed on their repression from generation to generation.

SADE: And the things I did before I was brought here and cured? They were not Evil?

REICH: You enjoyed feeling Evil because it made you seem heroic. The humiliating truth, Marquis, is that you were merely ill.

SADE: And Hitler was merely ill?

REICH: That is the horror of the situation. We all know it by now, but we cannot remember. We repress it and go on blaming one another -- we forget what we know, because remembering it means remembering that we are robots, too -- that we have all been crippled in different ways by trying to live in the imaginary world of morals instead of the real world of nature.

SADE: So we just teach people how to breathe properly and relax their muscles and we will have Utopia?

REICH: No. I never said it was that easy. I said it was almost impossible, but we had to try, if there was to be any chance of survival at all. Removing the Emotional Plague is just like removing bubonic plague. It will take decades of work all over the world by thousands of specialists. But if we don't try --

Computer whistles again.

REICH: We must understand that every moral idea is strictly a hallucination. It creates guilt which creates muscular tension, which creates rage. That leads to further armoring, to hold the rage in. That leads to all the psychosomatic illnesses that orthodox medicine can't cure and to all the social pathologies around us. Rape. Child-beating. War.

Computer whistles again.

REICH: (excited, beginning to harangue) You compared me to Rousseau. Yes, in the Age of Reason, he had to recreate the myth of Eden again; he called it the Noble Savage. A hundred years later, Marx had to recreate it: he called it the primitive matriarchy, before private property. Eden is always recreated, because we know there is a natural grace and a natural way of life we have lost. We lost it through the invention of Good and Evil. As soon as we believed we were sinners, the Trap closed on us. We accepted the sin and punished ourselves. Or we projected the sin outward and punished scapegoats.

Computer whistles again.

REICH: (rage bursting through) Masochism or sadism -- those were the only choices once we believed in Good and Evil, once we believed in Sin. We are animals. We are no more guilty than a dog, a cat, a horse, a chipmunk. Everybody has known it since Darwin. But we are still in the Trap.

SADE: You really hate the Morality that caused you to kill your parents.

REICH: It is causing the whole human race to kill its children! We cannot see what we are doing. We have been robbed blind by our damned Morality.

SADE turns away sharply.

SADE: Your Almightiness, the prosecution rests. We believe it is obvious, out of his own mouth, that the defendant is a menace to civilization as we know it.

REICH: Wait! Do you know why that moment in nature is so precious, that moment of peace and oneness?

RINGMASTER: The defendant will not speak at this time.

REICH: It is a moment beyond Good and Evil!

RINGMASTER: You can argue that later. Fifteen minute recess. Then we will hear the case for the defense. (He rises)

The Computer whistles three times rapidly.

MASOCH: All rise!

Houselights up. As audience starts to leave, REICH begins addressing them.

REICH: Listen to me a moment! That moment of peace, that moment in Nature, beyond Good and Evil -- that is the essence of us. Our core. Our true selves. We normally never feel it because --

RINGMASTER: Clear the Court!

REICH: because our muscles hold it down. Our muscles are chronically tense, it is so chronic that we never notice it. We only notice the peace when on a rare moment the tension relaxes. What do you think the Drug Culture is all about? Relaxing the muscular armor, getting rid of that tension for a few hours, or a few moments.

ACROBATS go down into the audience and persuade people to leave. They are very polite, like well-trained policemen, and become very threatening (in a polite way) with those unwilling to leave while REICH is still talking.

REICH: We are diseased -- dis-eased. We have lost touch with natural feeling. When the Life Force tries to break through the muscular armor, it gets deflected, I say, and comes out dis-eased and violent. That's why all political revolutions fail. That's why there are no political solutions. That's why

RINGMASTER: Silence the defendant.

MASOCH and SADE "beat" REICH with bladders again and drag him offstage right.

REICH: (as he goes) You can't feel naturally. You can't see what you are doing, or what is being done around you. You are robots. Robots. All of you. All of you.

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