I had a dream about Jonne Aaron singing me a new song called ´A Chase´ [no, not ´the chase´ by Kill Hannah], I could hear the song, the lyrics, everything (my mind is strange, how it can make a song :D) and he was singing it with some woman. And in other part of the dream was Tom, my friend, having a pub with three grounds / floors in his house.
After this dream I felt like never before, like if some caring, protecting, gentle arm would spread around me like a shield and all of my troubles, thoughts, everything was released away and only peace remained, it was amazing, esp after I have every two nights a nightmare and I can´t sleep in the new room very well.
But, I made my plans for Finland. I hope I will be able to have everything done this Saturday.
Funny, nobody knows about my plans yet :D
Okey, so I will leave from here on the Saturday 20 September and take a flight to Tampere, stay there for a day or over night (if I have a place to stay) and go straight to Helsinki and stay there until 27 September (because on 26 should be ´Black Roses´ released) and then go back to my lovely family and home in Czech !
Doesn´t it sound beautiful? I guess so! And I will take loads of pics of Helsinki because (I hope I´ll buy the new camera) I will need them for my final essay or how is it called at my school (something around 30 pages :P), yahooooooo.
I should write my finnish family if I can stay at those dates :P
And all of this, my trip to Finland, keeps me up the water, keeps me a bit positive and happy (even though I´m not happy since I left my czech home)
hyvää yötä
PS: Oh yeah Pee, I´m not sadly able to come to Oulu, it´s way too expensive :( I´m so sorri about it but You will enjoy instead of me!