


found the deep love inside

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 13.08.2006 14:01

tired, wasted? yes
happy? no
buuuut anyway, nice experience
and he is more wasted, tired and sad (what I'm not)

ah, just less than one month, but what after it? life is strange but beautiful in what will happen next

take care sweets, your rockin enkeli

:)Torstai 10.08.2006 19:21

I can't reach You and it's killing me...
well, sort of. it's an old line, from my fave song, but through all those years it has been true
I thought it's all gone, that sweet feeling, that craziness, that naivity but well, it seems like it's back again in more 'worse' way, in more deep way but nevermind, it's locked ... =)

ahhh...only two days and I'm gonna enjoy my time again, okey, maybe not the way I really want to, but still, I love rain but not on the festival :( seems like I will have to hide my camera but my old brain won't be able to remember the whole two days, my memory is too old to do that, so I really need my camera, please won't rain, it can rain all days long (sob, my shoes will be dirty again, ach jo) but not those 60 minutes

heh, let's see how it will be like, anyway, for the first time, I'm looking forward to go to Prague :O that's strange, maybe I'm looking forward the KFC fastfood, that's what we don't have in my hometown lol

so keep on rocking my dear friends and take care =)

PS: Good luck
soon you will know where this line belongs to, just buy the new Entwine album, I know it will be amazing one :D

Entwine new single SurrenderSunnuntai 06.08.2006 21:45

Oh, finallllllly, couldn't wait any longer, I can't say anything proper about it, I love the fresh sound, I heard the single just twice *gonna do that more times, don't worry* and I liiiike it and can't wait for the album (but cannot decide if I like it coz of fresh sound or what, so that's why I need more careful listening lol)

keep on rocking guys, koita pärjäillä :)

hihSunnuntai 30.07.2006 17:59

Too many things happened yesterday and today and I'm in love with my life again...
hehe it was fabulous and at the same time it was THE time of despair but hei, they saved me once again... how can even they know, how bad I felt that they made me so happy :D
but I have a headache but they probably too :P
gonna write a review, post vids and write an email too Lazy P... hope the keys are with him now!
hei, the life sucks most of the time but there are also great amazing fabulous fantastic experiences... I LOVE THEM

The rasmusPerjantai 28.07.2006 21:52

yeah, you read right, I was just thinking I've never ever wrote about them or even post their lyrics, why? I may know why.

few days back I finally went to my doctor (for adults) to register there (I had two years delay :D) and he asked me about my family, if anyone has something bad with their health and I said something but the 'main' thing I forgot. When the doctor's assistent mention my mum and sth with her leg, then I remembered, yeah, she has operated leg and shorter one of them... they call it 'trouble with health' but me not, I wouldn't even mention it becoz I take it like a matter of course, nothing different, nothing bad and this is a bit similar with me and The Rasmus. I just take them like my friends...
yeah, it's totally different with TR and other bands, even though I listen to other bands probably more than TR, I feel more special about TR than about the others. Why? Well, it's just that TR are like my family, I'm with them everyday, I know many of their fans personally and many of them are my friends, we are like huge family with great 'parents' :D
Of course, pity that I don't have to fly to Finland just to see them live like with Uniklubi, but I'm thankful it was Uniklubi and not TR, it was something new and different and special.
I cannot compare TR to any other band, coz I take them in different way and also becoz every band has different meaning for me, different memories.

Ah, this is just becoz I'm packing my bag and leaving in few hours (exactly 11 hours lol) to see them. Heh, I've never been afraid to go to their gig but today it was different (I quite use this word too much). I felt nervous (yes, yes, becoz of the stupid train *rolling eyes*) that I will see The Rasmus tomorrow, it's like a fairy-tale... :)
Let's see what will happen but now I feel quite prepared and calm that I might didn't forget anything... and I'm excited to feel what I feel everytime when I go to some gig but this time it will be premiere for me, 1st time I'm gonna see TR on a festival

take care you all and rock like fu*k (*quote of Janne Selo*) *saint*

:)Keskiviikko 26.07.2006 15:08

hih, now I know why they didn't accepted me for the Masaryk's University and it was useless to send the repeal, becoz they will accept everyone with better results than me whether he/she has sent them the repeal or not
but nevermind, I'm gonna live as long as my destiny wants
well, I have this line on my mind: "we're gonna make it somehow"
it always helped me and now too

but stop with complaining, no, there is always 'bright side of this suffering' and it's my nameday
hehe thank you ÂŽofi for the large and beautiful Finland, that was the most original greeting I've ever had :D
and thx ali, I think today is the day of Ice Age, outside is sooo cold, I'm only wondering how come it doesn't snow :D

...Keskiviikko 26.07.2006 01:35

heh, when man is down and somebody starts to talk about freezing cold and having a cup of hot tea every half an hour it can help from that neverending hot weather :D
thank you, it brought me back up on my feet, sounds stupid enough to make me laugh :D

but I don't know, now it's pretty interesting, everything's upside down, waiting is killing me, I have to admit it but then what will come next? the temptation of something new is calling me and that's what I like... what I always liked

eventhough I'm more than worried I'm smilling right now and the unsecure feeling is dead for a moment, well, at least this talk with my mum today really helped me, never do such a thing but it was good, but I won't practise it much often coz bothering others with my problems... no, never, friends, relatives etc are here to cheer them up not to bring them down (okie, don't take me as an example!) and still, nobody is gonna understand me ever, of course, there could be somebody one day who can see at the bottom of my soul but only the same person as me can understand me and they say everyone is special so I won't find another 'me' ever, but it's better out this way...

now, or better from 1. 9. 06 the new life will begin, where? how? somewhere, somehow... anyway it all ends up with endless sleeping after all :) so what's the deal

have a great time wherever you are

weird dream againMaanantai 24.07.2006 20:13

but this one was pretty cool (I mean cool not cool :) )
I was sledging down our street where I live hehe it was pretty hot night so the dream was at least cold :-)

kiitos kaikkilleMaanantai 24.07.2006 19:19

thank you all who left a comment in my irc-galleria, unfortunately I had to erase all the pics *sob sob* so also with your lovely comments
so kiitos and have a great time wherever you are