


found the deep love inside

yaaaay finally :PKeskiviikko 15.04.2009 22:10

my two new born 'babies' :D (well that 6 months of hard work was worthy)

Last exam on Thursday...Tiistai 14.04.2009 22:25

and I made a mnemotechnic help to remember mental defects of tourists, so here we go:
NE (neurotik)
KVE-te (kverulant)
HY-acint (hysterická neuróza)
AN-i (antisociální porucha)
FÓL-ie (fóbická neuróza)

it's so much fun, hope I will remember that now :D

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 14.04.2009 01:01

...I'll be Peter Pan and you'll just be pretty...

A teď...Maanantai 13.04.2009 20:44

děj se vůle Boží!

IAMX in PraguePerjantai 10.04.2009 17:41

I've read the news that IAMX should be in Praha soon :P yaaaay
But well, we've heard that before, at the begining of this year, the same 'news' and it didn't happen yet :D
But as long as they love what they do it doesn't matter when they come 'home' :D
Hmm... I've always liked Dean but somehow he's really a sweetheart :P

I am XTorstai 09.04.2009 23:47

yeah, I know I am :D but now I know what song I loved at Prague gig of them :P
I am terrified
what a beautiful song, lyrics, meaning...
and my ear started to ache, not only make funny noises all the time, gotta go to doctor tomorrow (how much I hate doctors)

Suomen kieliKeskiviikko 08.04.2009 02:32

I'm pretty tired, I don't even know why...
but I love suomen kieli, yeah, I know I have those days when it seems pointless, stupid idea to even try, but once I step over that period, I feel strengthened, wish I wouldn't forget so much words and grammar, but anyway, I veeery slooowly fulfilling my dream... okey very slightly, I know, but NOTE to self: it's very important to endure the hopelessness, the result is worth it :P

DONEMaanantai 06.04.2009 22:06

finallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, I'm so happyyyyyyyyyyyyy... and deaf...
so I put my final thesis to make it as a book (it's already printed) and now I'm waiting.
I don't really care if it won't be as they wanted it to be, I will have it done and that's what counts.
Actually I will be first to have it in white book cover and blue letters (if the blue colour sticks on it :D), can't wait :P
So thank You everyone who participated in that final work, love You all xxx

And for a change I'm gonna help a friend to write resumé about his final thesis :D

Yeah, and since morning I'm deaf on my left ear. I can hear a bit, but I usually hear noise, loud noise in it... yeah because yesterday I went outside with wet hair and only pyjamas, that's the reason, I know.
Hopefully in the morning it will be gone 'cos it's really annoying!

A co dál?Maanantai 06.04.2009 01:30

Nenuťte mě si tím procházet zas a znovu, ne ne ne!!!!
Jak k čertu mám změnit ten kolovrátek? Sakra jak?
Když nepomáhá optimismus a prázdná peněženka, co teda?
Dej mi směr, já jinak nevím a doslova mě to sere!