


found the deep love inside

EndTorstai 16.04.2009 23:34

last exam done (yaay), meeting with friend was very successful, mom in hospital again for rehabilitation but just in my hometown, tomorrow new haircut (rather curl :P) ad whole weekend in the name of new work, ANY work, ANYwhere (Barcelone, Helsinki, Tampere and London are in the game 'cos I'm not gonna stay at home any longer)

and wait for an entry called "The End" :P (in two months)

yaaaay finally :PKeskiviikko 15.04.2009 22:10

my two new born 'babies' :D (well that 6 months of hard work was worthy)

Last exam on Thursday...Tiistai 14.04.2009 22:25

and I made a mnemotechnic help to remember mental defects of tourists, so here we go:
NE (neurotik)
KVE-te (kverulant)
HY-acint (hysterická neuróza)
AN-i (antisociální porucha)
FÓL-ie (fóbická neuróza)

it's so much fun, hope I will remember that now :D

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 14.04.2009 01:01

...I'll be Peter Pan and you'll just be pretty...

A teď...Maanantai 13.04.2009 20:44

děj se vůle Boží!

IAMX in PraguePerjantai 10.04.2009 17:41

I've read the news that IAMX should be in Praha soon :P yaaaay
But well, we've heard that before, at the begining of this year, the same 'news' and it didn't happen yet :D
But as long as they love what they do it doesn't matter when they come 'home' :D
Hmm... I've always liked Dean but somehow he's really a sweetheart :P

I am XTorstai 09.04.2009 23:47

yeah, I know I am :D but now I know what song I loved at Prague gig of them :P
I am terrified
what a beautiful song, lyrics, meaning...
and my ear started to ache, not only make funny noises all the time, gotta go to doctor tomorrow (how much I hate doctors)

Suomen kieliKeskiviikko 08.04.2009 02:32

I'm pretty tired, I don't even know why...
but I love suomen kieli, yeah, I know I have those days when it seems pointless, stupid idea to even try, but once I step over that period, I feel strengthened, wish I wouldn't forget so much words and grammar, but anyway, I veeery slooowly fulfilling my dream... okey very slightly, I know, but NOTE to self: it's very important to endure the hopelessness, the result is worth it :P

DONEMaanantai 06.04.2009 22:06

finallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, I'm so happyyyyyyyyyyyyy... and deaf...
so I put my final thesis to make it as a book (it's already printed) and now I'm waiting.
I don't really care if it won't be as they wanted it to be, I will have it done and that's what counts.
Actually I will be first to have it in white book cover and blue letters (if the blue colour sticks on it :D), can't wait :P
So thank You everyone who participated in that final work, love You all xxx

And for a change I'm gonna help a friend to write resumé about his final thesis :D

Yeah, and since morning I'm deaf on my left ear. I can hear a bit, but I usually hear noise, loud noise in it... yeah because yesterday I went outside with wet hair and only pyjamas, that's the reason, I know.
Hopefully in the morning it will be gone 'cos it's really annoying!