


found the deep love inside
I got to Prague at 11 am and meet up with my former class mate Monika so we went to her place and chatted. She really didn’t change much. At around two I set off to Palác Akropolis and got in plan that I will sit in some cosy caffee and wait for people who’s coming to the gig. Well, it was raining quite much at that time and there was no caffee nearby so I desperately sit in some pub and took out my Finnish for self-learners and started to read. Not so long after there came two girls who obviously seemed to look like they are attending the gig and after like an hour I finally grab my braveness and went to talk to them if I can join them. I could and we actually had fun time together, chatting about anything from Finland to Japan. I was delightful that I’m not there all alone and they were actually pretty surprised that I chat with them and so on because nobody who they first met in the venue didn’t seem to pay attention to them.
And then was the time to get inside Palác Akropolis, well, I thought I will go to the balcony, it was closed due to construction. It was very small and well I didn’t like the interior as on the photographs. We met some other fans who were nice people and also some Japanese who came just to see them and who follows them all around Europe.
I was standing on the steps to the balcony in the back, it was perfect place for me (since my head was all dizzy) and there weren’t many people, it was 1/3 empty. We’ve waited for the support band so I sat down and relaxed but then…. Sa bir started and I was like SHIT! Quickly searched for my camera to prepare and couldn’t believe that there was no support band after all.
The lights were horrible, mostly red and some green, so ‚perfect‘ for photos, but the gig was AWESOME! I still can hear Sa bir in my ears as if I was there, I remember how everything trembled, how my ears almost hurt because of the loud ‚noise‘ and how amazed I was.
I can barely describe what I felt back then, it was something undescribable. They started to play and I couldn’t grab my breath. And then Kyo stood up on the step in front of him and woah, such a teeny tiny figure standing there. He looked so peaceful, calm, mature, almost like, well I can’t describe. From the entire gig, he made me feel so different about… wel everything. I mean he’s so tiny but his voice is so powerful, so amazing, so different in every single second. Most of the time I watched with my mouth wide open, especially during his acapellas which were unique as always.
The rest of the band were great too but didn’t make such a huge impact on me as he did. Die was all smily especially in the end (well he drunk out a whole bottle of Jägermeister and gave the empty bottle to a fan :D).
They played mostly fast songs, none I would really love to hear but anyway it was CRUEL :D in positive way. During those fastest songs I couldn’t believe it can be even performed, I had to stay perfectly still to be able to perceive them. And when Kyo sang like you know those crying parts (like scream fulfilled with pain) it really hurt, I had to shut my ears up but fortunately it was very brief and rare.
It was very strong experience, not only the gig itself, but also those people around and I got the feeling, that I do want to get to know Japanese people, the country and language. I even realized that how I couldn’t remember the lyrics of the songs before because it’s quite difficult, now I sing them without looking and hear them as if he was singing in my room. I guess now it will be much more easier for me to remember them, especially those which I love like Zakuro, Mushi and Embryo.
And now it’s over. First I got pretty desperate, but now it’s a bit okey, I’m still recovering though. I’d love to have that insight of Kyo, I knew before the gig that it’s going to be special, it was, I only didn’t know how much, in what ways. I dare to speak about it as a life-changing experience, well maybe it was just first step but I felt really different before the gig and now.
And I can’t listen to Uroboros, it hurts, I know sounds stupid, naive, but it does.
Yeah and last note, I had some image in my mind about them, from what I’ve seen on the internet, but the live erased all of those toughts and I do not really believe that Kyo is so desperate and sorrowful, he seems like he knew something more than most of us. Maybe it’s because of the time spent in those budhist temples which makes special ambient around him.


Sa Bir

Inconvenient ideal
Dozing green


Glass skin



Reiketsu nariseba
Merciless cult
Agitated screams of maggots


The Final
Clever Sleazoid

And Kyo said "Nashledanou" (goodbye) so hopefully they'll come soon enough, before I'm a grandmother :D

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 25.06.2009 00:25

Seems like I can leave Dir en grey behind since it's over and nothing new about them come out untill well, next year?
Anyway, the feeling they awaken in me and the mood I'm in (plus those unanswered questions and urges) made them live forever in my eyes, hopefully I can get on happy note once again tomorrow when I get proper sleep!

...Keskiviikko 24.06.2009 18:41

Will write a little report later when I get myself up from the night.
Thank You Pee for everything, I really appreciate it even though it might can't be seen!

17 hours to goMaanantai 22.06.2009 21:50

and I'll be in Prague.
Today was sooo much fun even with that delayed trains!
And tomorrow, suppose to have 3 meetings, one stop at Marimekko and an absolutely amazing gig of Dir en grey (should be longer than all those at this tour 'cos they've never been here) and then Brno and Banana :) yaaay, CANNOT WAIT

SoutěžSunnuntai 21.06.2009 22:16

Tak jsem se nakonec zúčastnila a pro future reference zde dávám svůj výtvor na který jsem náležitě hrdá :D :D :D nic šílenějšího a originálnějšího mě v životě nenapadlo a to vše prosím po 5 hodinách spánku :D (otázka byla, kdo z Dir en grey je Váš nejoblíbenější a proč)

Oblíbenec: Kyo - zpěv, Kaoru - kytara, Die - kytara, Toshiya - baskytara, Shinya - bicí
Můj nejoblíbenější člen se jmenuje Dir en grey. Je to energetická persona a také velice rozmanitá, vlastně se skládá z několika unikátních individuí. Jedna jeho pětina je poněkud nešikovná. Při vystupování na podiu se často zraní až do krve, mám silné podezření, že tím chce přilákat upíry a dokázat tak jejich existenci (ano, jsou i tací, kteří na ně věří, tak jim to neberme)! Druhá část této persony je zase tak neviditelná a hraje natolik skvěle, že máte dojem, jakoby ty bubny byly ovládány nějakou nadpřirozenou silou. Je tam i jeden, z kterého jsou vidět jen vlasy a bělostí zářící chrup, až mám pocit, že propaguje některou z místních značek výrobků na vlasy či je v paktu s oblastní stomatologickou komorou (otázkou zůstává, jestli dostává slevu na poplatky?!). Celé charisma je doplňováno Létajícím Čestmírem, který si úspěšně nechal narůst první polovinu své letky, doufejme, že počká i na tu druhou. No a samozřejmě že veřejná propagace celého Dir en grey je kontrolována poslední, tedy pátou pětinou, která působí dojmem leadera. Je to takový tichý živel, který, když se rozpoutá, tak naplno! Ve výsledné kombinaci, po sečtení a odečtení všech lomítek, závorek a čísel tu je bezpohlavní jedinec nazývaný Dir en grey, kterého všichni z nás tolik milují, obdivují a poslouchají, navzdory toliko rozšířené revoltě ku starším osobám! Doufejme, že si všechny tyto články zachovají stávající kontinuitu a při cestě do výšin nezakopnou! PS: Myslím, že se dá poznat, kdo je kdo, ale pro případ to je Kyo, Shinya, Die, Toshiya, Kaoru.

Are you that somebody?Sunnuntai 21.06.2009 01:50

I just got back to my young-hood :D Listening to Aaliyah, just enjoying the world inside my head :P But it's weird that I don't feel that sad as I used to while listening to songs of my past (okey, except Sham Rain or Entwine, of course), that's a good sign :P

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 18.06.2009 23:59

what a demanding day, I'm already tired... again

KokiaTiistai 16.06.2009 19:49

Thank You Niko a lot for introducing her to me, she is amazing and seems to me like an angel (the voice, the appearance), anyway I love this video the most and one more live
Such a difference from Diru, right? Totally opposite (the first video name means 'people are tiny but wonderful' sooo pretty)

Haloo HelsinkiMaanantai 15.06.2009 21:09

I had a dream... hehe I know, sounds familiar, but really, I had and not only one, but I remember this snippet:
I went to Helsinki alone to look around, to go through all the places I love and two days after me came my friend Hanni and we had in plan to start to search for a job together (well, it is for London but not for Helsinki as far as I know). We went to our hostel by metro but it was actually a train over the lake, it was like half a meter above it and there were just the trails no bridge or something, but yeah, in dream is everything possible. And our hostel was in quite suburb and through the window we could see our neighbours and it was a Zoo. Or they had house and everything but in the garden they had a tiger (as other people has a dog) and in backyard they had a giraffe, pony .. etc. It was funny.

And two days back I dreamt about Ville ja Viivi that near Tuomiokirkko was a souvenir shop with little elephants inside, you just get them, roll the key and then tehy start to walk. So we rent two of those (we were so poor we couldn't afford to buy them) and went outside the shop to 'play' with them but it took so long (our preparations for it) that it stopped working and that's the end :)

Sounds happy, it is sadLauantai 13.06.2009 16:44

First, listen to it, please and than look below

even though the song sounds quite happy, the lyrics are very painful for Kyo, I guess I told you before about his early life, so this is from that time