


on perinteinen pallo C:

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As far as I know (according to Wikipedia) the divine move is known as "the perfect game" and it involves changing one's position from a losing game to a winning game with one single perfect move. This is said to be nearly IMPOSSIBLE to do in a game of Go. However, when this is done, a Go player is believed to be playing at the level of God. And hence, the Divine move is also known as the Hand of God, or Gods Move.

We can indeed witness "a glimpse" of the divine move in the HNG series. Remember near the end of the TV series, when Sai played Touya's father? Sai came out victorious. However, after the match, Hikaru was able to pick out one single move, a move if used by Touya's father, would change the whole game around and lead to Sai's defeat. And I believe this was why Sai disappeared. Even though he did not play the Divine Move, he witnessed it, and ended his search.


The author decided to stop that suddenly. She wanted to continue the series as an exploration of Hikaru's career, but the powers that be kept on hassling her to do things she didnÂ’t want to (Like bring Sai back). So in the end she just decided to stop it where it was.

--- *U*

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