


on perinteinen pallo C:

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Mr.Children - SignTiistai 15.05.2007 02:45

Mr.Children - Sign (Translation)

I hope this feelings will reach you
I secretly play these instruments in the places you won't know
Our minds are like spoiled ingrown seeds but...
We will combine both of our minds to create a peaceful harmony

We repeated thank you and apologies but we...
We are building these loneliness like a building the blocks and carrying them on our backs

As you can miss the never-ending time
it is the proof of the love, you told me and smiled cheerfully
The behaviors you show, and the Signs...
I will never miss a single hints of you
that is what I am thinking about

Sometimes we will create a mess for each of us by criticism
we are learning our weakness, but it frustrates us
However, some day we will take off our clothe and feel the warmth of each other
finding a sweetness of each other

We are similar but something is different but we have the same oder after all
It is not the body or mind, It's just that I love you!

If there is a torch in our minds, no matter how small
We have promised our selves to take a delicate care of them
The signs given from the everything we saw...
I won't miss a single thing
That is the way I shall live

The clouds above the forest will touch you and shake,
telling me the beauty of the time and cruelty of it

We still have this remaining time
so we have promised and decided to make the precious moments with the cheerful laughter
The behaviors you show, the signs that makes me stronger
I will never miss a single thing
That is the way I will live
That is what I am thinking about right now


miusta tuo on niin nätti kappale. etenkii tuo "arigatou to gomen ne to" jne. :]

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