


Otto W. Lehikoinen
full of joy and laughter
a final meeting of minds:
I should've understood
the pain you were under
stress of living alone,
making ends meet
without the help from
either the government
or your extended family.
still I cannot accept the
way this all went down
as the best alternative.

In my dream you consoled me,
said that you are happier this way.
I held on tight and sobbed: don't go!
don't go away! plz, don't go away!
..and then I woke up, into another dream,
crying uncontrollably against my friend's
shoulder.. and she asked: did you see him?
did you get to say goodbye?
Thru my tears I smiled and said: Yes,
I saw him, he was luminescent and full of joy.
I hugged my friend and we held each other tight.
Maybe there's a way up and out of this pit we've
fallen into.

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