


Fiat iustitia, Pereat Mundus

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Poet & FlowerTorstai 08.05.2014 00:33

Lonely boy sits on roof top of his home
Like he does every night when he's alone
But tonight under the meteor shower
He writes about a poet and his flower

Lifetime ago, at least it feels so
There was a boy, boy that did glow
Heart unbroken, full of wishes, free to dream
There was nothing that anyone could redeem

So many golden days of happiness
Days when boy felt he's whole
It was long before the emptiness
That one day would fill his soul

Why did all those days fade away?
She always knew what to say;

"Your heart is like a flower
Take care of it, protect it
One day it'll be your power
Whatever happens, never submit"

"It'll never grow to be a tree
But I hope the flower blooms for me
So please, my love, keep it safe
If it withers, it can't be replaced"

Boy always remembered her words
How everything can be so frail
He saw all those passing birds
And he knew once it'd be his day

On roof top boy was waiting
Slowly days turned to years
And when it was raining
It covered all his tears

"Do not believe that your story is done
That you have lost, and they did won
This is where your life did begun
You've gained a bright new sun"

Roof top is empty and the boy is gone
Only the wind still whispers his song
So now hidden by everyone's glower
Poet can now live for his flower

c. Joni "Nonno" K.

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