


Fiat iustitia, Pereat Mundus

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[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 17.10.2007 20:30

Hate me if you must, but do it right.
Rape me if you want, but do it twice.
Cheat me if you want, but use both dices.
Wait me if you like, but not if you're wise.

Do you think I give a damn?
Run away when you still can.
Feel no mercy, do as you like
But remember this, you're not in my life.

I hate you like never before, and I do it very right.
I rape your mind, and I can do it more than twice.
I cheat you more than others, without any dices.
I wait you to become douple more wise.

Do you think I give a damn?
Or I would feel for you?
I feel no mercy, I do what is right and true.
And remeber this, my life is not for you.

C. Joni K. (jälleen 10min mielen oksennus)

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