
[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 27.01.2009 15:43

ämpärin kaste tilaisuudessa:
"tartteeks toi pullo tosiaan särkee?"
"kyllä, kyllä. se on perinne."
"no tyhjennetään se nyt ees ensin."
-The problem with most men is we're assholes. The problem with most women is they put up with those assholes.
-I think...therefore, I'm single.
-You know, men and women are a lot alike in certain situations. Like when they're both on fire - they're exactly alike.
-The quickest way to a man's heart is through his chest
-When I was born ... the doctor came out to the waiting room and said to my father ... I'm very sorry. We did everything we could ... but he pulled through.
-All men hear is blah, blah, blah, blah, SEX, blah, blah, blah, FOOD, blah, blah, blah, BEER.
-A succesful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A succesful woman is one who can find such a man.
-When a naked man is chasing a woman through an alley with a butcher knife and a hard-on, I figure he isn't out collecting for the Red Cross.
-I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the ordeal of meeting me is another matter.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 27.01.2009 05:21

Joku (hyvin harva) ehkä miettii miks olen tähän aikaan hereillä...
Syynä noi v**un lifestä lähtijät...
Mä haluan sen uuden kämpän ja pian... KELE!!!!

Kipeänä SoiTiistai 27.01.2009 00:18

-Saska Helmikallio - Jukeboksi: Mitä siitä jos buutsit on rikki ja lääkäri huokailee...
-Fredi - Soittaja: Ravintolan nurkassa hän soittaa, elantoaan hankkia hän koittaa...
-George Thorogood - Bad To The Bone: broke a thousand hearts, before I met you, I'll break a thousand more baby, before I am through...
-Apocalyptica - I'm Not Jesus: Dirty little secret, Dirty little lies, Say your prayers and comb your hair, Save your soul tonight...
-Sentenced - Cross My Heart And Hope To Die: Since your death, Everything has felt so meaningless and vain, that IÂ’ve lost the will to live
-Deep Purple - Soldier Of Fortune: I have often told you stories, About the way, I lived the life of a drifter, Waiting for the day...

-The Love Bird is 100% faithful to his mate, as long as they are locked together in the same cage
-I'm glad I'm not bisexual. I couldn't stand being rejected by men as well as women
-A nymphomaniac is a women as obsessed with sex as the average man
-I am always looking for meaningful one night stands
-Your marriage is in trouble if your wife says, 'You're only interested in one thing,' and you can't remember what it is.
-Never miss a chance to have sex or appear on television
-It isn`t premarital sex if you have no intention of getting married.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 26.01.2009 10:32

-Jokaisen pitää uskoa johonkin. Minä uskon että otan toisen oluen.
-Jos Barbie on niin suosittu, miksi pitää ostaa hänelle ystäviä?
-Tietokone voitti minut kerran shakissa, muttei pärjännyt tappelussa.
-Kaikilla on valokuvamuisti. Joillakin ei vain ole filmiä.
-Paras asia kirjoissa on se, että niissä on joskus mahtavia kuvia.
-Kun kuolen, haluan mennä rauhallisesti niin kuin isoisäni, nukkuen-- En kiljuen, kuten ne ihmiset hänen autossaan.
-Kerroin vaimolleni, että mies on kuin viini, paranee vanhetessaan. Seuraavana päivänä hän lukitsi minut kellariin.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 24.01.2009 20:54

Hyvillä mielin töihin... Outoo.
Mut poikkeeminen tornissa toi pirun hyvän fiiliksen...

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 24.01.2009 00:21

-Every fight is a food fight when youÂ’re a cannibal.
-Women will never be as successful as men because they have no wives to advise them.
-All women are good - good for nothing, or good for something.
-Women have a passion for mathematics. They divide their age in half, double the price of their clothes, and always add at least five years to the age of their best friend
-Women: Can't live with them, can't bury them in the back yard without the neighbours seeing
-A woman's mind is cleaner than a man's. She changes it more often
-Why would I make one woman so miserable when I can make so many women very happy?
-Man has will, but woman has her way.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 23.01.2009 10:45

Mietintää... Unta nyt vai vasta päivällä...? hmm...

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 23.01.2009 09:12

Iron Man loppu just ja opin tosta lopusta paljon =)