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[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 29.03.2009 14:43

Näin unta, joka oli melkoisen kaunis. Harmi, etää enää ei unettanut.. Oisin voinut viettää monen monta tuntia vielä vaan nähden sitä samaa unta. *HUOH*

ps.You´re the light at the end of the tunnel
The beacon fire in the dark
The glimmer of hope and truly the meaning of my life

I say this with all of my heart:

You are the only one for me
Year to year, in words and deed
In all this chaos the trace of clarity
You are the only one I see
My first and last, my all and everything
You are the One

When dusk falls and obscures the sky
You´re the shine of the Northern Star
No dead of night can fade the brilliance of your light

I say this, holder of my heart:

You are the only one for me
Year to year, in words and deed
In all this chaos the trace of clarity
You are the only one I see
My first and last, my all and everything
You are the One

You are the only one
In the heart of winter the comfort of the sun
You are the One, my love, my love...You are the One

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