There are four seasons
On this barren and eroded soil
Where cold, nightly winds blow the tempest
The first of the season is the burden
The burden bends the system
To crumble and collapse
And so it bends and cracks to its downfall
Seasons changing only once during this planetary lifetime
Mother Nature put to test in her darkest season, pressurising
So the season changes when her tears touch the earthly sands
Oceans waving like a crystal walls, so intense
The season of winds and darkening skies, nature unbalanced
When the souls of past life find themselves in the middle of nowhere
The nature dreaming the new era of life
Falling asleep to forget the failure and revive as anew
The dreams, the pictures, in her hands to control
Last season beginning, the burning of the past
And so the gone era burns in the hands of time
Such a violent flame, cleansing to create new future
The ruins of beings absorbed by the voids of space and time
Floating memories in the dark to be created once again