


Loveless start ~ Loveless end.

DreamerSunnuntai 19.02.2012 16:37

What the hell am I supposed to do to get rid of these dreams that tell me about my future, that warn me about my life's turn points, that "warn" me about someone special getting in or dying out of my life.

I never asked to see these, I don't like the dejavus I have. Things that can't be predicted. Words never spoken, personalities never met, how can those be calculated, if they're calculations of my mind. Why do I see the future. If I don't sleep, body can't maintain health. If I sleep all the time then I will probably see something that will happen when I stop sleeping. It can't be said it's a gift. It can't be said it's a curse.

Worst thing is they are just "warnings", they're not telling me straight, they're not showing faces. Everyone around are shadows. How do you predict a personality you've never met before. How do you predict words when you don't even know someone. How do you predict gestures. How do you predict a movie never seen or heard of. How do you know words of a song that you've never heard and has 2 months left to get published.

This "gift" "curse" scares m. I never asked for it. It pisses me off to know things that happen like this are... Warnings...

I enjoy but then again I cry for the end. If death is the only thing capable of making these dreams stop, when the opportunity presents itself. I'm gonna be blind. Myself and my health will be the last thing in my mind if my life can extend someone else's lifespan. I will take it.

You got nothing
And nothing got you
I can see your fear cuz it surrounds you
Built with strife
And insight but it's not enough
I'll defeat and discreet your every move

This instinct that you dwell- will just
Take your life
One step, one breath you're under my knife
Killing slow is the way I conquer
It's time for torture test
Can't wait no longer

With your first step you will burn
Can't control the hate you've learned
Killing slow is the way I conquer
Until you know the meaning of suffer

Step twice you invite and welcome death
Pay homage to me with your last breath
Say goodbye to a life that you once knew
Along with every being
That was before you

16.02.2012Perjantai 17.02.2012 00:55

Lositavaa, äitini oli lukenut jostain että paikallisesti oli joku n20 v miespuolinen henkilö pudonnut sillalta. Kun pääsin illalla joskus ennen yheksää kotiovesta sisään. Äitini olisi kuulemma hätäisiä puheluita alkanut soittamaan perääni mikäli minusta ei olisi yhdeksään mennessä mitään kuulunut.

Kävin jälkitarkastuksessa, kävin kiinalaisessa syömässä, kävin ystävälläni istumassa loppupäivän. Aika jehvelipäivä.

SleepKeskiviikko 15.02.2012 01:12

Stop searching, don't do it. You won't find the love like this anyways. Especially since you believe the other ways like fate. Just... Stop...

Your heart wants to love so bad that you get blinded by your feelings. You search and search without any results. All you find are those who wanna have little fun. Just give up.

Ok... I'll back myself off from this one. Just from this area... Broken... I'll wait then. I'll wait to see the the wings of light that'll blind me. Maybe my dreams will show me light instead of dark figure when it's really the one...

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 14.02.2012 21:38

Kerranki ystävänpäivä ku ei puhelin laula koko päivää. Nythä mie ehkä loppuillaks sit manasinki viestisateen kai. Vaan yks viesti ja sekin kummilta. ><

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 13.02.2012 20:27

Woohoo torstaihin asti teh house is miiiiiiiiiiiiiiine ^^<3

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 12.02.2012 19:13

How could I be so dumb
I wanted to believe someone
How could I be so dumb
I wanted to believe someone
I shouldn't have

Made the mistake of opening my mouth
I thought you'd understand but I guess
That thinking doesn't count
Act all concerned--well, sucks for me man
Can't wait to see where you will be
When it finally hits the fan

You tell me I shouldn't want to die
But can't give me one good reason

Oh give it up and get out of my way
Don't bother patronizing me just 'cause
You've got nothing to say I've taken
What you've told me-I was ready to
Apply "liars can't be trusted" man, but
You're the one who lied

You tell me I shouldn't want to die
But can't give me one good reason

One time my spine controlled by your
Small mind so many reasons for what
You've justified (don't kill yourself)

How could I be so dumb
I wanted to believe someone
How could I be so dumb
I wanted to believe someone

You tell me I shouldn't want to die
But can't give me one good reason

You tell me I shouldn't want to die
But can't give (You can't give me)

You can´t give me...
You can´t give me...
You can´t give me...
Give me...
You can´t give me...
(Good reason)
One good reason
(Give me a good reason)
One good reason
(Give me a good reason)
One good reason
(Give me.. me...)

The Sims 3Sunnuntai 12.02.2012 19:06

Jotenkin niin väärin tuo mainos

"Voit rakentaa" "tai tuhota kaiken"

"Miten sinä pelaat The Sims Kolmea?"

The Sims 3
"Play with life!"

Suorastaa räjähin nauruu. Joo kyllä hurvittelu huumorilla vedetty "elämä" simulaatio. Tuo viimenen lause vaan... x,D

BuenoPerjantai 10.02.2012 23:57

Otavankatu 8, homma bueno. Viimeinh~


Päivän osalta merkittäviä asioita, että melkein jäädyin kuoliaaksi kun 835 bussilla kotiin lähdin ja sitten keskustasta loppumatkan kävelin. Nyt taas tiedän mitä lämmin sängyn nurkka on ><

Mielenkiintoisin asia tältä päivältä oli puhelu tuntemattomasta numerosta ja kun vastasin sukunimelläni, puhelu katkesi. Ennen ei ole "Anymous calling" puhelut jääny vaivaamaan, mutta tää tuntu jotenkin erityiseltä ja jäi kismittämää... Ihan kun olis ollu tärkeäkin. No tuskinpa saan koskaan tietää, hahahahahha. Nii ja tuo puhelu tuli samaan aikaan ku olin nostamassa uuden asukkaan miehen kaa vanhaa painavaa pesukonetta ><

Perjantai 10.02.2012Torstai 09.02.2012 21:06

SHAATANA MIKÄ KIIRE juosta paikasta A paikkaan B ja kauheella vauhilla pitäs nyt yhtäkkiä tehä sitä ja tätä.

Varasin huomiselle pakun jolla pitää saada vietyä kaikki vimoset roinat Otavankadulta pois. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHH. On siellä saamari sitä säilytys tilaa helvetti. Ja sen verra halvalla lähti koko talo että ei jumalauta ><!!!

Onnea vaan huomiselle, se tuntuu ja tulee tuntumaan nimittäin seuraavanlaiselta

Hold itTorstai 09.02.2012 20:15

You believe in goddess of faith and goddess of destiny, you believe you can't affect anything that they haven't decided for you. Yet you ignore the wind, yet you walk your own way. You look for the one. Why is it that you fight against your own beliefs. If you believe and have faith in the 2 goddess'. Why can't you just walk where the wind leads you. When will you stop fighting. When will you truly believe in your own beliefs. Stop being such bullhead and let them do their work you so believe in. Even if giving up makes you sad. Let them cheer you up then. Follow the wind for exchange.