
Deep Sh*t...Keskiviikko 03.06.2009 21:53

Another one... When I left, I thought my mind would forever stay with her, eyes of my soul fixed on her face, but no. Its fading, the look on her face that night... The course of emotions is not the same.
Two of darkness has become one of light. Literally. Granted, the latter dark, the darker, is still present.
Deeply present, I had three dreams of her last night. It was wonderful, and every time I wished so hard it was real, but it never was. In the first, she was laying next to me, staring me, and I was happy. I could have been there for all eternity. Its those moments that make me hope the brain activity research makes some progress.

The second and third were alike. Both ended the same way, with a slight difference.
She got out of the car, and probably gave me a kiss, the other time she shaked my hand. Everything else is blurry. Except for the moment, when I was alone on the back seat and noticed a notebook, and there I found her supposed IRC nickname. The name too, is fading fast, but I still remember, there were three parts. the middle was "love", the first was either Laura or Linda, and the third might have been Hew... something. Dreaming is all I've got these days. Nothing else.

Sometimes, in prisons, when inmates are thrown in an isolationcell, or whatever its called, when there are no stimulation, no impulses whatsoever. Some of them, they get lost inside their own minds.
They are driven insane by their loneliness. Scary, huh?

I don't have a clue why I brought that up though... Just typing what goes though my mind...
I'm pretty sure that if you're reading this, you shouldn't, 'cause this isn't meant for you.
But if you know or even have a clue of who(m?) this is meant for, please, inform that person.

If the number value of your last and first name put together is one of the following, this message, and actually this entire diary is meant for you to read. [1-29]

Attention: This code is not equal to the one in my box. This is much more precise.

1) 137
2) 140
3) 144
4) 153
5) 157

The number value of my own name is 190.

These numbers might not be accurate, my math sucks :)

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