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Hmmmm...Perjantai 10.08.2012 22:59

I loved you. I admit that I didn't always trust you, but I tried. You always gave me something to wonder about, you didn't make it easy. I still loved you.

I used to tell my myself and my friends that the reason I don't understand you is that you are not good at explaining things. And I told everyone that it does not necessarily mean something is wrong. I wanted to believe so myself. I wanted to believe it so bad.

I forgave you so much. I forgave everything I saw, everything you put me through. Because I loved you. I tried to forget, for our sake. You never made that easy either, but I swear I tried.

The way we broke up made me feel that I had done so much wrong myself, because you still kept explaining things in your own, strange way. So did I. The way started acting then made me so afraid. I was so scared that you had found someone, someone you like more and better than me. I did my everything to get closer to you again, because I had started regretting of letting you go. I was so happy when you said that don't worry, I will come and see you. You even said that you love me too. That gave me some comfort. I kept telling myself that nothing can be wrong, soon we will sort things out. I even hoped we could make everything work again, because I really wanted that.

Today I found out that you have dated another girl for a week now. I really can't even explain how I feel. I hope you are very, very happy with the way you have chosen to go, because you hurt me. You hurt me more than anyone has ever hurt.

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