



[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 15.03.2008 22:02

7. The Rain Comes Falling Down (sentenced)

now every single cloud becomes a raging storm
as I go seeking for the one I used to live for'
since your love was taken away
my heart's been beating empty beats
well, it will end tonight'
-the blade shall set me free
a steady hand with this sharpened cold steel
will help me wipe away this pain that I feel
the rain comes falling down
my life flows to the ground
no longer feeling the pain
my flame now fading away
the rain comes falling down
my life flows to the ground
no longer feeling the pain
my flame now fading away
so here I'm lying on these dead and bloody autumn leaves
waiting for death to take me where I want to be'
a steady hand with this sharpened hard steel
will help me wipe away this agony I feel
the rain comes falling down
my life flows to the ground
no longer feeling the pain
my flame now fading away
the rain comes falling down
my life flows to the ground
no longer feeling the pain
these leaves now becoming my grave
no longer feeling the flame
no longer feeling the rain

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 15.03.2008 21:53

3. We Are But Falling Leaves (sentenced)

Think of your lifetime as one day
It's fading away
The shadows are growing long
Think of existence as a flame and death as rain
Storm clouds - they ride along

At life's eve our flames will cease
Eternally, unavoidably
Eventually all paths will lead
To the cemetery

We are but falling leaves in the air hovering down
On our way we are spinning around
Scattered fragments of time
Like beams of the light we are
That's all we are

Think of your lifetime as one year
Look autumn is here
Getting colder, the winter's impending
Your conclusion's drawing near-certain, austere
Yet is only the circles unending

At life's eve our flames will cease
Eternally, unavoidably
Eventually, all paths will lead to the cemetery
To the prior deceased

We are but falling leaves in the air hovering down
On our way we will hit the ground
Scattered fragments of time
Like beams of the light we are

Just when we realize that we are alive, we die

4. Her Last 5 Minutes (sentenced)

Must have been a week
Since she drew the curtains down
I don't know if it's night or day
And I don't care
Our hope seems so bleak
But she's pulling through somehow
While I'm trembling in dismay, in despair

I can see you're scared and tired of all this
I can see the torment, the damage it has done
Still we both know what the other alternative is
Not yet, the only one

The good moments are breezed
And there's nothing I can do
When it comes onto her again
And does it worse

She shivers like a leaf
As the waves of pain heave through
The ruthless bringer of the end
Fears, preserved

I can see you're scared and tired of all this
I can see the torment, the damage she has done
Still we both know what the other alternative is
Not yet, the only one

Don't go yet, don't yet go
Not yet, my only one
Don't go yet, I can't let go
Not yet, my only one

"I can't stop the light from flaming the curtains white."

onko kauniimpia biisejä kun noi, noh ehkä pari muuta senareiden biisiä

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 15.03.2008 21:51

1. Noose (sentenced)

No way out of your misery
Alone in pain and agony
Lay depressed and hollow
One thought in your mind
-No Tomorrow

And then you had made up your mind
and thought it was your time
You left this world without shedding a tear
without hope, without fear

So you thought you'd just put your head
into the Noose and let it all go... and so you did
Oh yeah, you did

Now you come haunting every night
Calling my name until I...
wake up feeling this sorrow
One thought in my mind
- I will follow

I'll drink the booze to depress myself
then I take the rope and express myself
I'll leave this world without shedding a tear
without hope, without fear

Yeah, I think I'll put my head
into the Noose and let it all go... and so I will
Oh yeah, I will

I'll take the rope, just like you
and wherever you are, I'll be too

I think I'll just put my head
into the Noose and let it all go... and so I will
Oh yeah, I will

treenit siirtynyt pakkotoiston blogiin.Tiistai 05.02.2008 22:59

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 20.01.2008 19:59

Vituttaa tää paskatauti ja oksennustauti. perkele.

Back to the Gym!Torstai 03.05.2007 01:02

Vappu meni, onneksi. Ja treenit alkoi taas, tällä viikolla on ohjelmassa lyhyttä sarjaa. Tänään viikon eka treeni; rinta ja hauis. Tosin viiden päivän levon aikana lasketeltiin ja kevyesti pumppailtiin pyhän salilla.

pena 3*105kg ja 4,4*100kg
vpena hammer 6*110kg , 4*117,5kg ja 4*120kg
rt. 12,10*35kg
hk kp seisten 4*26kg ja 6,5*23,5kg
hk scott kp 5,6*18kg yksi käsi kerrallaan
hk scott taljassa 12,12*70kg täysi pakka

Huomenna ojentajat ja olkapäät.

Back to the Gym!Torstai 03.05.2007 01:01

KäsitreeniäTorstai 26.04.2007 23:56

Tänään oli vuorossa viikon viimeinen treeni, käsitreeni. Perus käsitreeniä jossa toistot noin 10 per sarja, joissakin sarjoissa tuli vähän enemmän. Huomenna alkaa 5päivän "lepo" jolloin käydään vähän pumppailemassa. Aamu-aerobisia tehdään vain huomenna. Ensi keskiviikkona seuraavan kerran treenataan.

*kapia pena lankulla 9,9*100kg
*ranskis kp yksi käsi kerrallaan 12,12*16kg
*ojentaja pun y-taljassa 12*50kg ja 12*45kg
*ojentajat narulla taljassa 12,12*10*50kg
+dippi kone 12,12*100kg
*hk scott-tangolla 12*40kg ja 11*45kg
*hk kp. 7*23,5kg ja 7*21kg
*hammer 12,12*16kg
*hk scott-taljassa 12,12,12*65kg

Treeni kesti 73min

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 26.04.2007 00:06

Tänään oli tankkauspäivä, ei katsottu niin tarkasti syömisiä, kuitenkin että sen verran että prodea tulee tarpeeksi. Tänään ei tehty aamuaerobista ettei keho totu siihen ja näin ollen menetä tehoa. Mutta huomenna taas :) Tänään tehtiin lyhin treeni vähään aikaan 27min. Mutta tulos oli silti hyvä.

leaunveto 1*max
t.kulmasoutu 12*65kg ja 12*75kg
ylätalja 12*85kg ja 10*95kg
alatalja 12*85kg ja 12*90kg
selänojennus 1*max

Huomenna tai perjantaina käsitreeni.

Olkapää treeniä.Tiistai 24.04.2007 23:39

Tänään oli vuorossa viikon toinen sali treeni vuorossa ojentajat ja ojentajat. Kapiaa penaa ei tehty se tehdään perjantaina. Olkapäille pitkästä aikaa hammer pystypunnerrusta.

*hammer pystypun. 10*60kg ja 8*62,5kg
*1.a viparit 12,12,12*16kg
*1.b takaolkapäät peck 14*40kg ja 10,10*50kg
*olankohautus 12*120kg ja 12*130kg
*takaolkapäät taljassa 12,12*15kg
*pystysoutu 12,12*45kg

*ranskis tangolla 12,12*55kg
*ranskis kp. 12,12*16kg
*ojent.pun ylätalja 12,12*45kg
*naru punnerrus taljassa 12,12*50kg

päälle kuntopyörää. Treeni kesti 63min.