- I was bit bothered of Angelina Jolie in The Tourist. I mean... how would I say... it is like you put an artificial person into a real world.
- Exactly. She is like video game character. Well, no wonder she got to play Tomp Rider.
- What? Really? But I remenber Tomb Rider person having much less lips.
- Yeah, at that time she did.
- Oh. So she actually is artificial.
Älkää korjatko, viihdyn.
Uusi Star Trek.
Ääh, en mä osaa kuvailla fiiliksiä, jotka traileri nostatti. Suunnilleen sellaset, että suunnittelen kaappausoperaation, ryöstän kaikkien tuotantotiimin jäsenten perheet ja pakotan kyseisen rainan ulos heti, jos ei nopeammin.
Ah, Sherlock. Ah.