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Till the rivers all run dryMaanantai 07.10.2013 21:33

I never guessed it would be like this.

You made me feel something new. I thought I had felt it all. I hadn't. The way you were and the way you did everything now made me shiver and I could feel the tears coming. You knew how to touch me in every possible way, and it was so beautiful.

The way you looked me in the eyes. The way you smiled. The way you held me. You just did everything exactly how I like it. I don't think anyone else had been able to do that before. You knew just how I wanted it to happen. And the best part is that I guess that is just how you like things too. How we were eating together from the same plate, doing it silently taking our turns. You were holding me so tight but gave me the space I needed just when I wanted it.

I know I am not perfect, but you make me feel like I am good enough. I know others may be offering me things too, even good things, but you are simply the only one who gets it right. We have a connection, that is hard to explain, we are somehow similar but at the same time different enough to teach each other. I know I would be ok with you. I know we could make it.

No-one can predict the future, and of course I know it is good to take one day at a time but... I do hope you are still in my reach tomorrow, my love. I am not ready to let you go anymore.

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