Kuinka monta kertaa voi pettyä ihmiseen, josta välittää? Kuinka monta kertaa voi pettyä itseensä? Montako kertaa jaksaa uskoa turhaan? Montako pyytämätöntä uutta tilaisuutta jaksaa antaa? Montako tyhjää arpaa pitää raaputtaa saadakseen edes sen pienimmän voiton? Montako sammakkoa ennen prinssiä? Kuinka monen yön unet pitää olla valmis menettämään? Kuinka monta pitkää toimetonta päivää pitää olla valmis kuluttamaan?
Kuinka monta, ennen kuin viimein uskoo ja ymmärtää päästää irti?
Why should it be so bad to be bad,
When it's so hard to be anything at all?
And why does everyone seem to forget
What it's like to be all alone
- As soon as they
Have got someone, no it's no fun
It makes me wanna vanish and die
Maybe I'll throw all my clothes
Into a waterfall
And sit and spy while they all cry
- You get so silly when you're lonely
And you think that you're the only
Who say:
I hope that someone's gonna call
And tell me this night is over
`Cause I wanna start living my life
Before I get much older
Well, I hope that someone's gonna call
And tell me this night is over
`Cause I wanna start living my life
Before I get much older
Maybe you all would consider it a joke
If I say that I hate myself
But now and then
When I look into the mirror
All I see is a big mistake
-And wouldn't you
Well, I just wanna be fun
Just wanna be the one
Who makes you smile
Well, I just wanna believe
That I could be something to someone
- Am I the only one around here,
Who's not gonna live my life in fear?
- The Ark: Tell Me This Night Is Over