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Nyt löytykin sitten tämmönen "kultti klassikko" vanhoista sähköposteista xD joskus yheksännellä luokalla kirjoitin tämän enkuntunnille. Enkunmaikka taisi pitää siitä sillä hänen mielestään se oli aivan kauhea ja sairas ^^ Nyt olen päättänyt antaa teille mahdollisuuden tutustua tähän aivan älyttömän huonoon tarinaan joka varmaan pian poistetaan täältä äärimmäisen mauttomana x) Tästä kyllä huomaa että jo pienenä yhdeksäsluokkalaisena pyrin tarinoissani panostamaan omaperäisyyteen ja erottuvuuteen hyvän maun rajoja kokeillen ^^ nykyisin hallitsenkin tämän jo sitten hieman paremmin (varmaan..) Tämä on sitten vanha, aito, alkuperäinen kenties täysin korjaamaton(?) versio kyseisestä tarinasta :P etten ole ainakaan ryhtynyt "remasteroimaan" tätä nyt jälkeenpäin kun löysin tämän. Ja nyt kauhistelkaa sillä näin huonoa tarinaa ei jokapäivä löydä ^^

Beginning of dark times at Moomin Valley
And this Midsummer was to be far more exciting than the Fillyjonk could hope for she walked to the nearest graveyard hoping to find some corpses to pleasure. When she passed a crypt she heard screaming. She looked inside and saw Moomintroll fucking Snork Maiden from behind. They were both covered in fresh blood and rubbed it on each other. Moominmamma`s corpse was on the floor, still warm and bleeding. Seeing this made Fillyjonk very horny and she started rubbing her cunt with bloody fingers while she licked Moominmamma. After they had pleasured enough they cutted Moominmamma`s head off and went to the altar at cemetery. They placed Moominmamma`s head on the altar, said few satanic prayers and impaled Moominmamma`s head with a sharp ritual knife. Suddenly the sun turned black and the sky darkened. The dead arose from their graves and gathered around Moomintroll, Snork Maiden and Fillyjonk. They where surrounded. The dead growled something that they couldn`t understand and probably didn`t mean anything. A creature with sharp canine teeth aproached them. Its skin was pale and the eyes were red. Suddenly there were many creatures like it around them and eatch biting them and sucking their blood. These creatures where strangely erotic so Moomintroll, Snork Maiden and Fillyjonk had great pleasure. They turned to vampires, joined this army of dead and turned many other creatures into living dead. And so the Moomin Valley turned to the Valley of the Damned and these words where written with blood on every tombstone in the Valley. "The sun has darkend, dead walk the earth, white Lord has fallen and blood rules the world."

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